[Lender] OU Releasing Enrollment Holds

Mc Conahay, Pamela K. pmcconahay at ou.edu
Thu Aug 13 10:02:15 CDT 2009

I know many of you are concerned because so many of our Fall 09 disbursements are still on hold and so are we.  Isn't system conversion fun....NOT?!

 We figured out why our "Release" process in Banner wasn't picking up everyone it should and we sent two big release files to ELM yesterday.   Watch for many more to come.

Pam McConahay
Associate Director, University of Oklahoma Financial Aid Services
1000 Asp Ave, Room 216, Norman, OK 73019-4078
(405) 325-4617  Fax (405) 325-3657
pmcconahay at ou.edu

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