[Lender] OLAC Sponsorship

Kelnar, Kelli kkelnar at ogslp.org
Mon Feb 9 15:08:36 CST 2009

Greetings to the OLAC Members:

Listed below is a business item that can be dealt with by e-mail.  We
appreciate your review and response.  The item is:
*	Proposal made for OLAC to sponsor the luncheon at the March 13th
Support Staff training at Francis Tuttle Technology Center

Lunch Sponsorship
A request was made at the last OASFAA Board meeting for OLAC to sponsor
lunch at the upcoming Support Staff training.  So that arrangements can
begin, this proposal
is being made to OLAC members with the expectation that any "opposing"
this recommendation respond to Kelli Kelnar by Friday, February 13th.
If no opposing
e-mails are received, the motion will carry forward as approved and OLAC
will sponsor the lunch.  Larry Hollingsworth, OASFAA Training Committee
Chair, is bringing in
Steve Morgan for a repeat performance of his enthusiastic presentation
style.  The turnout is expected to be about 140 making the estimated
cost of lunch approximately
$1,400.  OLAC's current bank account balance is approximately $11,000.  

Please send any comments regarding the sponsorship to me by Friday,
February 13th.  

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Kelli Kelnar
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
A division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
School/Lender Support Services
Phone 405.234.4313
Phone 800.247.0420
Fax 405.234.4547
kkelnar at ogslp.org

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