[Lender] OASFAA Corporate Registration

Kelnar, Kelli kkelnar at ogslp.org
Tue Feb 24 16:48:52 CST 2009

Good Afternoon!
This year's spring 2009 OASFAA Conference will be held at the Reed
Center in Midwest City on April 15-17.  Registration for corporate
attendees is now available on the OASFAA website at
http://www.oasfaaok.com/ <http://www.oasfaaok.com/> .  If you plan to
exhibit you must complete both the Corporate form and the Corporate
Individual form.  For those not exhibiting, only the Corporate
Individual form is required. Please note the registration deadline dates
shown on the website. 
Also, please note we are happy to offer each exhibiting organization the
chance to have 2 tables.  The $20 table set-up charge is the only
additional cost incurred if you choose this option.  Due to last minute
arrangements with the Reed Center, however, this information was not
included on our website.  If you would like to take advantage of this
opportunity please let me know by e-mail or phone as shown below.  
All payments must be sent to:

EOC Tech Center 
c/o Janie Prior, Financial Aid Coordinator
4601 N Choctaw Rd 
Choctaw, OK 73020
If you have any questions or need assistance please let me know.  I look
forward to seeing you at OASFAA!   

Kelli Kelnar 
OASFAA Corporate Relations Chair
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program 
A division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
School/Lender Support Services 
Phone 405.234.4313 
Phone 800.247.0420 
Fax 405.234.4547 
kkelnar at ogslp.org 

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