[Lender] [Oasfaa] Hotel Information for OASFAA Spring 2010 Conference

Kelnar, Kelli kkelnar at ogslp.org
Tue Mar 9 16:22:16 CST 2010

Good Afternoon,
Below please find a message sent out by Lori Boyd, the OASFAA Conference
Chair.  This message indicates the OASFAA designated hotel, room rate
and contact information.  Registration is now open!  
If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thanks so much!
Kelli Kelnar
OASFAA Corporate Relations Chair
kkelnar at ogslp.org

The designated hotel for the Spring 2010 Conference is the Hampton Inn
located at 920 SW 77th St, Oklahoma City.  The phone number is (405)

The rate for those attending the conference is $88.40.  Be sure to
register by March 31st to receive this rate.


You may register for your hotel room by going  to
<http://www.oklahomacitysouthsuites.hamptoninn.com/>  and enter the code
OAS in the Group/Convention line. Your rate should load automatically. 


I look forward to seeing you in April.




Lori Boyd

Conference Chair


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