[Lender] Last day to reserve hotel rooms for the spring 2012 OASFAA conference

Kelnar, Kelli kkelnar at ocap.org
Thu Mar 22 10:39:37 CDT 2012

Today is the last day to reserve a hotel room for the spring 2012 OASFAA


If you have not reserved your room, you may contact the hotel at (405)
364-2882.  The room rate at the Holiday Inn will be $77 plus tax.  Be
sure to mention you are with the Oklahoma Association of Student
Financial Aid Administrator's conference to get your room rate.


The deadline for conference registration is March 30th. The fee for late
registrations is $ 25, so be sure to register early.  To register, visit


Set up for the exhibit area will be done Wednesday morning.  Tear down
will be after our last break on Thursday, which should be at about 3:30


If you have any questions, please let me know.  See you in April!


Kelli Kelnar

OASFAA Corporate Relations Chair


kkelnar at ocap.org


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