[MainstreetManagers] Architecture/Design Services

Buffy Hughes Buffy.Hughes at okcommerce.gov
Fri Jun 14 14:43:53 CDT 2019

Good afternoon.  Below are services that I am requesting be part of a contract for architectural/design services.  Please let me know if there is anything else you want/need.  I am going to submit this list and a basic contract to legal today, but we can amend it as your recommendations come in.  The sooner the better.

  *   Design Services
     *   Provides on-call professional, preservation-based architectural design assistance concepts to support efforts of historical district revitalization in OMSC communities for business/building owners with properties in the local program boundaries. This may include:
        *   Historic building research
        *   Written recommendations for the district/building exteriors/building interiors
        *   Building and Main Street historic district evaluation
        *   Façade drawings (not full construction drawings)
        *   Interior drawings (not full construction drawings)
        *   Detail drawings (not full construction drawings)
        *   Exterior finish selections
        *   Interior finish selections
        *   Awning design and fabric selections
        *   Signage recommendations
        *   Site visits
        *   Property inspections and evaluations
        *   Property visioning consultations for both building/business owners and potential investors
  *   Education/Training/Presentation
     *   Conducts Main Street community design education and training sessions for program directors, design committees, local governments, and community at large.  This will include:
        *   Workshops
        *   Charrettes
        *   Weatherization
        *   Historic tax credits
        *   National Register for Historic Places
        *   Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
        *   Economics of historic preservation
        *   Zoning
        *   Historic preservation ordinances
        *   Existing/Historic building code provisions for historic structures
        *   Emergency and disaster education as it relates to the historic district
        *   Sustainability
        *   Historic district incentives
  *   Placemaking
     *   Assists local Oklahoma Main Street programs with the activation of public spaces.  Services will include:
        *   Public visioning sessions
        *   Drawings for placemaking projects/plans
        *   Provide basic project specifications
        *   Provide basic project furniture/fixtures/equipment specifications

Buffy Hughes
State Main Street Director
Oklahoma Department of Commerce
900 N. Stiles Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73104
E: Buffy.Hughes at okcommerce.gov
P: 405.815.5249
C: 405.664.1260


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