[Oacrao-l] It's Not Too Late!

David Fulmer dfulmer at oru.edu
Sun Sep 22 10:06:31 CDT 2013

That's right!  It's not too late to register for this year's fall conference.  The conference is being held October 2-4 on the campus of UCO in Edmond.  Don't miss this opportunity to get caught up on best practice and current federal policy.  The conference is also a great time to catch up with your colleagues from around the state and share what's been happening on your campus.

Many of you have co-workers who are new to the profession.  These individuals may not yet be included in the OACRAO list-serve.  Don't assume that they know about the conference.  Talk to them and encourage them to register as well.  On Wednesday, October 2, we host two workshops that would benefit them tremendously.  One session will focus on Admissions and Registrars 101 (the basics for those just starting into the profession) and professional development opportunities.  The other session will focus in on issues related to international students.

I look forward to seeing you in Edmond!


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