[Oacrao-l] OSRHE Common App Questions survey

Mehl, Ross B. rmehl at ou.edu
Tue May 21 11:02:40 CDT 2024


OSRHE is seeking input from the OACRAO Community regarding the exploration of using a Common Application. Please note, OSRHE is in the exploration stage. The Regents are just beginning the background research and data collection process. All OACRAO responses will be sent to them in anonymous, aggregate form unless you wish to share your contact information, by checking the appropriate "Opt In" response.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in your answers! Please click the link below to submit your responses. Feel free to forward the link to others at your school that may have additional thoughts and insights.

LINK HERE<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVejy0y-5d4PWcsPqiWYDX_Cd-Thub4C7Hwsu4bqfJcgn6WA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0>

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Crystal Palacioz at crystal.bowles at okstate.edu<mailto:crystal.bowles at okstate.edu> or (918) 293-5274.

Crystal Palacioz
OACRAO President
OSUIT Registrar

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