[Oasfaa] NASFAA recommendations for HEA

Jonna Raney Jonna.Raney at okbu.edu
Thu Aug 22 10:07:47 CDT 2019

NASFAA today released its updated recommendations for Congress as it navigates the process of restructuring federal student aid programs through the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (#HEA<https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/hea?source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARB0G3PBUOPJSlj8VIJmNLzhuq4BEDWEJhnOeNUdiUhYhcFZlwlRVkclmnA7tMgWTOaxHX6o5reX30IpTEWhaAbJ3lcLqMczuXpfscHH8DDUn7f-wdb7RZg1jRN7Js5XjOlXx0KMEjZ61O7XsQyDJgb3V6XcDFrsgzwi88fWCDkP-zbJyr1xFiDORgPVcVfv6V2HyTNM_DBORYdkp0XpoBeTKhw7hWmKYlssSjNPj1D6LKtWG9YEO2Oi04XMBZByQPGDiAotXNtnx6dDA4dg_QTHRaErQ_UDqwrOdzax6jR4ioSlwa8FAqVDjvU&__tn__=%2ANK-R1.g>). NASFAA’s recommendations span strengthening need-based aid through the Pell Grant program and simplifying the FAFSA, to consolidating loan repayment plans and standardizing language in financial aid aid offers.

Making Financial Aid Work for All<http://www.nasfaa.org/hea_priorities>
As Congress inches closer to taking a wholesale look at the federal role in higher education through the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA), NASFAA is pleased to outline recommendations to make financial aid work for all.

[Oklahoma Baptist University]
Jonna Raney

Director of Student Financial Services

Oklahoma Baptist University

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