[Oasfaa] Just a Few Items

Fisher, Dean dfisher at rose.edu
Mon Apr 22 17:50:06 CDT 2002

Hello all.....

The meeting with OETA took place last Thursday, but a "hiccup" in my email
posting delayed the note to the list.  We are off to a good start on the
OETA project.  Scott Medlin will be the lead person for OASFAA in the
effort, and Rick Edington and Mary Mowdy will be involved from OGSLP/OSRHE.
Please let any of us (Scott, Rick, Mary or me) know if you have ideas.

As far as the fall conference, we have a tentative proposal from the
Doubletree Downtown in Tulsa for November 12-15, 2002.  The hotel facilities
were exceptional and the staff were extremely helpful behind the scenes.
Our current plan is to go to Tulsa in the fall and then to OKC in the
spring.  The November dates avoid the fall EAC conferences, the Arkansas and
Texas conferences and SWASFAA.  Honestly, I think these dates are about the
best that can be arranged to minimize the other possible conflicts.

Unless I receive some indications soon that there are conflicts with these
dates, the OASFAA Board will be considering them in the near future for

By the way, the room rate would again be $69. 

Let me know if you have any questions.....


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