[OkStudentPrep] OSRHE Scholarships & Grants Update

Long, Annette along at osrhe.edu
Tue Aug 13 17:03:13 CDT 2024


The Oklahoma State Regents would like to share a few legislative changes that will impact scholarships and grants this upcoming academic year. You can find contact information for follow-up questions at each of the links provided.

Oklahoma Access and Achievement Scholarship
NEW SCHOLARSHIP! During the 2024 session, the Oklahoma Legislature approved HB 3792 creating the Oklahoma Access and Achievement Program. The Oklahoma Access and Achievement Scholarship will provide educational benefits to Oklahoma residents with intellectual disabilities enrolled in comprehensive transition and postsecondary (CTP) programs approved by the U.S. Department of Education. The amount of the award will be equivalent to resident tuition at institutions in the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education and Oklahoma Career Technology Education institutions. There are currently three qualifying CTP programs in Oklahoma:

·         RiverHawks Scholars at Northeastern State University<https://academics.nsuok.edu/continuingeducation/RiverHawksScholarProgram/default.aspx>

·         Sooner Works at the University of Oklahoma<https://www.ou.edu/education/centers-and-partnerships/zarrow/sooner-works>

·         Opportunity Orange Scholars at Oklahoma State University<https://education.okstate.edu/departments-programs/human-development-family-science/opportunity-orange-scholars/>
For more information and eligibility requirements for this program click here: https://www.okcollegestart.org/Financial_Aid_Planning/Scholarships/Miscellaneous_Scholarships/Oklahoma_Access_and_Achievement.aspx

Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG)
In the 2024 legislative session both Senate Bills 11 and 1624 were approved to expand OTAG eligibility. SB 1624 expands OTAG eligibility to students with intellectual disabilities enrolled in CTP programs approved by the U.S. Department of Education. SB 11 allows incarcerated individuals enrolled in a Prison Education Program and within five years of being released to be eligible for OTAG.
For more information and full eligibility requirements for this program click here: https://www.okcollegestart.org/Financial_Aid_Planning/Oklahoma_Grants/Oklahoma_Tuition_Aid_Grant.aspx

Oklahoma’s Promise
In the 2024 legislative session both Senate Bills 1302 and 1328 were approved and made a few key changes to the scholarship.

New high school curriculum requirements:
This bill aligned the Oklahoma’s Promise curriculum requirements to the high school curricular college admission requirements. To see the new curriculum requirements click here: https://okpromise.org/required-courses.shtml

Expanding the application window for students placed in DHS custody:
Senate Bill 1302 also expanded the application window for certain students in DHS custody. Students placed into DHS custody during the eighth, ninth, 10th or 11th grade who were unable to enroll in the program may enroll prior to their official date of high school graduation. They will need to establish financial need and meet all other Oklahoma’s Promise eligibility requirements to receive the scholarship. All other students must apply for the program in their eighth, ninth, tenth, or eleventh grade years.

Adding a Core Diploma Track for Career Technology Students
Senate Bill 1328 creates a second academic eligibility track for students who choose to use the Oklahoma’s Promise scholarship at a public career technology center only. These students must complete the requirements for the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s Core Diploma. For the students on this path, the scholarship will cover at least a portion of tuition for certain programs that meet the requirements to be eligible for federal financial aid offered at an Oklahoma public technology center. The scholarship is only available to be used at career technology centers and is not transferable to a college or university. They must still meet all other eligibility requirements, including financial eligibility, to qualify for Oklahoma’s Promise.

For more information and full eligibility requirements for this program click here: https://okpromise.org/

Dr. Colbi Beam
Associate Vice Chancellor for State Grants and Scholarships
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104
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