[Okgrantsmanship] OSRHE Summer Academy Program

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Jul 11 10:07:57 CDT 2008


Colleagues and Friends of the OSRHE Summer Academies for Science,
Mathematics and Multidisciplinary Studies,


As you know this has been a difficult year relative to state funding.
This fact plays out at every level of education in Oklahoma and every
level of state government.  


The OSRHE Summer Academy Program did not lose money but neither did we
gain any funds.  We run a 3 year grant cycle in which each grant runs
for three consecutive years.  We have 16 2nd year grants and 6 1st year
grants running this summer with no grants in their 3rd year and final


For these reasons, we will not have an RFP (Request for Proposals) for
2008.  If all goes as expected, we will be releasing an RFP in 2009 at
this time so keep the great ideas hot and be ready to share your
wonderful work with the students of Oklahoma.


Thanks for all you do,



Cynthia Brown, Ed.D.

Director of Student Preparation

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education



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