[Okgrantsmanship] FW: Mainstreaming Undergraduate Research and Inquiry: Web-based resources and a request for examples

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Thu Feb 12 09:35:47 CST 2009


From: Alan Jenkins [mailto:p0054811 at brookes.ac.uk] 
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 3:32 AM
To: Council on Undergraduate Research List
Subject: Mainstreaming Undergraduate Research and Inquiry: Web-based
resources and a request for examples


Mainstreaming Undergraduate Research and Inquiry: Web-based resources
and a request for examples

 Readers may be interested in: a) exploring the UK and international
web-based resources on undergraduate research and linking teaching and
discipline based research listed below; and b) telling us about your
experiences of mainstreaming undergraduate research and inquiry.   


 We are in the process of writing a booklet for the UK Higher Education
Academy on Developing undergraduate research and inquiry and are seeking
your help in identifying interesting examples, particularly from North
America, of ways of mainstreaming undergraduate research and inquiry
through the curriculum.

Our interest in undergraduate research grew out of our work on linking
teaching and discipline-based research.  In the UK, practice and policy
is for the great majority of undergraduate students to do a final year
research or dissertation project
http://www.qaa.ac.uk/academicinfrastructure/benchmark/honours/.  Our
interest is in embedding such research throughout the undergraduate
degree - and in that context we are investigating how to adapt the North
American, generally selective undergraduate research schemes for all or
most students.

 We are seeking North American case studies of mainstreaming
undergraduate research and inquiry across institutions and departments
as at e.g. Miami Ohio
http://www.units.muohio.edu/led/Top_25_Project/Index.htm and McMaster
http://www.mcmaster.ca/cll/inquiry/index.htm.  We would welcome off this
list serve brief summaries and web sites setting out main elements of
such schemes. 

 Please send details of the ways you mainstream undergraduate research
across the curriculum off list to Alan Jenkins
(alanjenkins at brookes.ac.uk) and Mick Healey (mhealey at glos.ac.uk).


 Several interesting reports and case studies on mainstreaming
undergraduate research may be found on the web sites for the UK
Reinvention Centre
and the Centre for Active Learning

 Three key web-based publications on linking teaching and research
published through the Higher Education Academy are: 

Linking Teaching and Research in Disciplines and Departments

Institutional Strategies to Link Teaching and Research. York. Higher
Education Academy

A Guide to the Research Evidence on Teaching Research Relations

 Many thanks 

 Alan Jenkins, Oxford Brookes University, UK (alanjenkins at brookes.ac.uk)
and Mick Healey, University of Gloucestershire (mhealey at glos.ac.uk). 


Alan Jenkins;Professor Emeritus ,Oxford Brookes;Consultant for the
Higher Education Academy and QAA Scotland ;Reinvention Fellow for the
Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate Research University of Warwick and
Oxford Brookes University 
Home Address: Lane End, Sandfield Road Headington, OXFORD. OX3 7RQ
e: alanjenkins at brookes.ac.uk t:+44 1865 761996
Key (web) publications 
For materials on adapting US undergraduate research to the UK and other
international contexts
For details on the book you really need on Reshaping Teaching in Higher
Education : Linking Teaching and Research go to 



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