[Okgrantsmanship] FW: Thank You! from CJ

Julie Dearing JDearing at uco.edu
Thu Oct 8 16:09:30 CDT 2009


Thank you for today's celebration. I was so surprised when the ECU crew arrived back on campus with cake for "Dr. Vires" and with your congratulatory gifts. I was honored and humbled that you would go to such efforts, and greatly saddened that I was not in attendance at the meeting.

In Haiti there is a proverb, "Men anpil, chay pou lou." Translated the proverb reads, "With many hands, the load is not heavy." Such was the case with this project. At times, the path was difficult and the load was heavy, but inevitably, there were individuals, like all of you, who were willing to encourage or to help. And to each of you, I will always be grateful.

Thank you again and my most sincere apology for not being at today's meeting and for missing this event.

Most respectfully,

C. J.
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