[Okgrantsmanship] Conference Call for Papers at Experiential Learning in a Virtual World conference in Prague, Czech Republic

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Thu Aug 26 08:38:11 CDT 2010



Linda Mason, Ed.D.

Coordinator for Grant Writing and External Funding

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104


lmason at osrhe.edu



From: odla-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:odla-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Peter Williams
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:36 PM
To: odla at lists.onenet.net
Subject: [ODLA] Conference Call for Papers


Hi All:

Greetings from Tulsa! I would love to see a couple of presentations from
Oklahoma at this conference I'm co-chairing next March! Please see the
call for papers below and contact me if you have any questions. I would
appreciate any further distribution of the CfP to individuals or lists
as you see fit. Thanks! -Peter Williams



Peter Williams, Ph.D

Assistant Professor Organizational Leadership Doctoral Program
University of La Verne

La Verne, CA

Stewardship Learning, Inc. 

E-Learning | Organizational Development <http://www.stlearn.com/> 
pwilliams at stlearn.com <mailto:pwilliams at stlearn.com> 

Skype: pete59




1st Global Conference

Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds


Sunday 20th March - Tuesday 22nd March 2011 Prague, Czech Republic


Call for Papers

The advent of Information and Communication Technologies has changed how
we work, teach, learn, and relate to each other. The idea of a virtual
world encompasses online communities, communities of inquiry, formal
teaching and learning, and horror and fantasy games. The experiences
gained in such virtual worlds, whether high or low tech, impact who we
are in the analog world (and vice versa): Who am I? How do we relate to
each other? What is my role? How can we be productive as a team? What is
mortality? How do we resolve conflict? These questions are addressed, to
some degree, through the experiences we have in virtual worlds. What are
we learning through those experiences? How can we perform better in both


The aim of this conference will be to examine formal and informal
learning in virtual worlds in an attempt to critique both its essential
characteristics and its future possibilities. Teachers of all levels,
university faculty, virtual world players, researchers, and others
interested in what happens in virtual worlds and what it means for us as
humans are invited to participate.


Being such a broad topic, Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds defies
a definitive list of sub-topics but the following list is indicative of
the envisaged topics covered within this Call for Papers:


     * Virtual and global teams

     * Communication modes and etiquette

     * Skill development in MMORPGs

     * Online communities, formal and informal

     * Case studies of experimental projects

     * Understanding mortality in the virtual worlds

     * Sexuality: appropriate behaviour in virtual learning worlds

     * Play, fun, fantasy and horror in the virtual world

     * Art of building a virtual persona

     * Emerging technologies within Higher Education

     * International technology challenges

     * Blended Learning approaches

     * Expectations of performance in virtual spaces

     * Metrics and assessment in virtual worlds

     * New forms of testing in virtual worlds

     * Organizational issues/strategies in Virtual education

     * Professional development/support structures

     * Role switching between traditional and virtual organizations


Papers will be considered on any related theme. The Steering Group also
welcomes the submission of pre-formed panel proposals. Papers will be
considered on any related theme.


300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 1st October 2010. All
submissions are minimally double blind peer reviewed where appropriate. 

If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should
be submitted by Friday 4th February 2011. Abstracts should be submitted
simultaneously to the Organising Chairs; abstracts may be in Word,
WordPerfect, or RTF formats with the following information and in this



a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract, e)
body of abstract


Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes
and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold,
italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all paper
proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you
should assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be lost in
cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative electronic
route or resend. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a 12-20
page full draft paper should be submitted to both Organising Chairs by
Monday 7th February 2011.


Organising Chairs


Peter Williams

Assistant Professor Organizational Leadership 

University of La Verne 

La Verne, California, USA

E-mail: pwilliams at stlearn.com


Rob Fisher

Network Founder and Network Leader,


Freeland, Oxfordshire OX29 8HR

United Kingdom

E-mail: elvw at inter-disciplinary.net


The conference is part of the 'At the Interface' programme of research
projects. It aims to bring together people from different areas and
interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are
innovative and exciting.


All papers accepted for and presented at this conference will be
eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers maybe invited
for development for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s).


For further details about the project please visit:



For further details about the conference please visit:



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