[Okgrantsmanship] Student Research Experiences Summer 2010

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Jan 8 14:47:30 CST 2010

Please share with those who would benefit.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates - Summer 2010 - University of
North Carolina at Greenboro


The objectivess of the UNC-Greenboro REU are to 1) provide
interdisciplinary undergraduate research experiences (URE) for students
and 2) to advance the research programs of our faculty mentors. Each
year, eight (8) students will investigate problems at the intersection
of mathematics and the sciences. The interaction of diverse faculty
members and students will lead to innovative mathematical solutions for
scientific investigations and a rigorous sense of realism in the
mathematical models. The stipend for Summer 2010 is $3500, and the
program also provides housing in one of UNCG's residence halls. Apply
now and come spend your summer building your future! See
http://www.uncg.edu/our/idquantreu.html for full information.
Application materials must be submitted no later than February 1, 2010.


WINS - Washington Internships for Native Students

The Washington Internships for Native Students (WINS) offers Native
American students the opportunity to build leadership skills while
living, studying, and interning in Washington, DC. WINS offers qualified
students full scholarships funded by American University and sponsoring
organizations.  Students gain professional work experience through
interning at a federal agency or private firm, take courses focusing on
Native American public policy concerns, and enjoy engaging in social and
cultural extra-curricular activities.

Participants gain knowledge, skills, academic credit, and practical work
experience. While working full-time for a government agency or private
firm in an academically supervised internship, students earn six credits
in the summer term. American University provides full academic support
for the internship and additional course work in the evenings. In
addition to making connections in DC, students meet other Native
American students from across the country through the full support of a
multi-cultural campus environment. 

This program is offered free of charge to eligible students through a
scholarship grant funded by American University and sponsoring
organizations. More detailed information on WINS can be found on their
Web site at http://www1.american.edu/wins/. Deadline for summer program
internship application is February 1.

Native American Congressional Internships

The Morris K. Udall Foundation provides a 10-week summer internship in
Washington, D.C., for Native American students who wish to learn more
about the federal government and issues affecting Indian Country. The
internship is fully funded and the Foundation provides round-trip
airfare, housing, per diem for food and incidentals, and a stipend at
the close of the program.

Interns work in congressional and agency offices where they have
opportunities to research legislative issues important to tribal
communities, network with key public officials and tribal advocacy
groups, experience an insider's view of the federal government, and
enhance their understanding of nation-building and tribal

The Foundation awards Internships on the basis of merit to Native
Americans who:

*	Are college juniors or seniors, recent graduates from tribal or
four-year colleges, or graduate or law students
*	Have demonstrated an interest in fields related to tribal public
policy, such as tribal governance, tribal law, Native American
education, Native American health, Native American justice, natural
resource protection, cultural preservation and revitalization, and
Native American economic development. 

Complete information is available on the Web site at
http://www.udall.gov/OurPrograms/NACInternship/NACInternship.aspx. The
deadline for 2010 applications is January 29th.


Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation


Applications are available for the Oklahoma Medical Research
Foundation's 2010 Sir Alexander Fleming Scholar Program. 


The summer program, which started in 1956, allows selected students to
enhance their research skills by working alongside world-class
scientists for eight weeks in OMRF's state-of-the-art laboratories.
Scholars receive a $3,000 stipend and housing, if needed. 


High school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores and juniors are
eligible to apply for the Fleming Scholar Program.  Students must be
Oklahoma residents at the time of high school graduation and at least 16
years old. Deadline is Feb. 1 for applications. 


The Fleming Scholar Program has provided a research experience to almost
500 students. For more information or applications, go to


SUMMER 2010 RESEARCH - Lancaster, PA


The Keck Geology Consortium has undergraduate research opportunities for
approximately 51 undergraduate students in a wide variety of
geological/environmental science sub-disciplines and locations. Funding
for this program comes from the NSF-REU program and the 18 member
institutions. The Consortium is committed to accepting up to 30%
non-Keck Member school students (15 slots). The students should be
juniors (seniors in 2010-2011) and US citizens or permanent residents.


The program includes 4 weeks of summer research (field and/or lab work
depending on the project), continuing research during the academic year
(jointly advised by a project faculty member and a research advisor at
the students home institution), attendance at the annual Keck Geology
Consortium Symposium, and a publication in the annual Keck Geology
Consortium proceedings volume. This year we have many different
sub-discipline projects (climate, petrology, geomorphology, volcanology,
geochemistry, structure, and more), and in a wide range of locations
(Mongolia, Panama, California, Montana, Wyoming, Connecticut, and
Colorado) http://keckgeology.org/10-11projects.


We strongly encourage students from underrepresented groups to apply.
Pending funding from ExxonMobil we will award four "Enhanced research
grants" to students from underrepresented groups - these awards are in
addition to the normal Keck awards.  The award includes a fellowship of
$500.00 for the fall semester following the summer research season, and
$500.00 for research costs.

Detailed information is available at: http://keckgeology.org/ 

The application deadline is February 5th, 2010. The application process
is online.


Linda Mason, Ed.D.

Coordinator for Grant Writing and External Funding

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104


lmason at osrhe.edu



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