[Okgrantsmanship] XSEDE12 (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment) Conference's Student Program: APPLY FOR SUPPORT

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Apr 10 09:03:39 CDT 2012

Forwarding on behalf of the XSEDE12 conference's Student Program.
Please reply directly to Jenett Tillotson (jtillots at iu.edu).



XSEDE12 conference's Student Program -- APPLY FOR SUPPORT

XSEDE12 Conference, July 16-19 2012, Chicago IL


High School and College Students are Encouraged to Participate in the
XSEDE12 Student Program

XSEDE12, the first conference of XSEDE, the Extreme Science and
Engineering Discovery Environment, will be held July 16-19, 2012, at the
InterContinental hotel in downtown Chicago.

XSEDE provides high-performance computational resources and services for
scientists and researchers around the world.

If you are a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student and are
interested or engaged in computational research, we encourage you to
participate in the XSEDE12 Student Program.

By participating, you can:

* Meet computational and domain scientists from around the country who
use high-performance systems in their research.

* Compete in a student poster contest that shows how your research
demonstrates the value computational science adds to scientific

* Talk to XSEDE and Open Science Grid (OSG) staff and users through our
Student Mentor Program.

* Attend introductory tutorials tailored for students new to
computational science or more advanced tutorials designed to help you
get the most out of XSEDE resources.

* Present your research which uses XSEDE or OSG resources by submitting
a paper to our Technical Program.

Pending final approval, the National Science Foundation may provide
limited funding to support student travel, lodging, and/or registration
costs for attending XSEDE12.

For details on submitting posters and papers, see the Call for


To apply for travel funding, see the Student Program Support


XSEDE12 website:


Contact: Jenett Tillotson (jtillots at iu.edu)

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