[Okgrantsmanship] XSEDE Student Engagement Program: Applns due Mon Apr 2

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Mar 23 09:12:18 CDT 2012

XSEDE Student Engagement Program
Applications due April 2, 2012


The XSEDE Student Engagement Program is seeking undergraduate and
graduate students for a 10-week project experience for this summer.

Working with XSEDE researchers and staff, students will make meaningful
contributions to research, development and systems projects that benefit
the national scientific and computational community.

In exchange, students will be provided with travel support for project
orientation and to attend the XSEDE'12 conference in Chicago, IL in
July, and a small stipend.

Projects for 2012 address a wide variety of computational needs.

Most of the projects allow students to work remotely (from their home or
home institution), although some require the student to be onsite at
their supervisor's institution.

All projects will have well-defined work plans, established
collaboratively at the orientation meeting.

Students are also expected to participate in surveys and other
evaluation activities, to help XSEDE track the effectiveness and impact
of the program.

Available projects are listed at


To apply, complete the form online at


and email your current resume and current academic transcripts to:

outreach-stueng at xsede.org

Your application will not be considered until all material has been

Application Deadline: April 2, 2012
Interviews: April 9-16 (via conference calls) Student Notification:
April 23
Orientation: May 29-June 1 -- location(s) to be determined
XSEDE'12: July 16-20 (Chicago, IL)

Questions can be send to:

outreach-stueng at xsede.org


Laura F. McGinnis, Manager
Education, Outreach and Training                     email: lfm at psc.edu
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center                     voice: 412-268-5642
300 South Craig St, #313                               fax: 412-268-5832
Pittsburgh, PA  15213
"I'm going to open doors for you; doors you never even DREAMED existed."

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