[Okgrantsmanship] News Digest: Measuring the success of online education

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Jan 25 10:18:53 CST 2013

[Adult  Education Bulletin]

January 24, 2013
Vol. 1, Issue 66

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College Completion Must Be Our Priority<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/0ba8c2ad86/5974b6366c/InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/TEST/5974b6366c>
“'This is the first time in the history of modern higher education in which all the communities have come together — community colleges, research institutions, public universities and small liberal arts colleges — and reached agreement that completion needs to be our most important priority,' said E. Gordon Gee, the president of Ohio State University and chairman of the National Commission on Higher Education Attainment. Whether the report will lead to change is unclear. But Molly C. Broad, president of the American Council on Education, said she believed it would create a new sense of urgency."

InsideTrack Coaching has been proven to increase enrollment, retention and graduation by an average of  15% in numerous controlled studies.
Learn more<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/0ba8c2ad86/7fecb8be48/InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/TEST/7fecb8be48>

Measuring the success of online education<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/0ba8c2ad86/0e1fde7987/InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/TEST/0e1fde7987/ref=education&gwh=319651F3ED191E9E95379BBF9D1B9078>
"One of the dirty secrets about MOOCs - massive open online courses, is that they are not very effective, at least if you measure effectiveness in terms of completion rates. If as few as 20 percent of students finishing an online course is considered a wild success and 10 percent and lower is standard, then it would appear that MOOCs are still more of a hobby than a viable alternative to traditional classroom education."

Bumphus: CCs must limit ‘mission creep’<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/0ba8c2ad86/d4d80502aa/utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CommunityCollegeSpotlight+%28Community+College+Spotlight%29%20>
"Community colleges are doing more with less, writes Walter Bumphus, president and CEO of the American Association of Community Colleges, in Community College Week. But there are limits to what the hard-pressed system can do well. The fundamental question in analyzing the ever-evolving mission of the community college is, 'where do we draw the line?' Prepare students for transfer? Check. Deliver a skilled workforce? Check. Provide lifelong learning and community service? Count on the community’s college. Now some states are making our colleges the linchpin in plans to deliver more baccalaureate completers — the $10,000 proposition that governors in Texas and Florida are making political hay by promoting."

Colleges Must Pay More Heed to Needs of Adult Learners, Paper Says<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/0ba8c2ad86/f68639c01e/InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/TEST/f68639c01e>
"The needs of 'post-traditional learners' are being neglected amid all the attention being paid to MOOCs and other technological innovations in higher education, according to a new paper commissioned by the American Council on Education and written by Louis Soares, a special policy adviser to Molly Corbett Broad, the ACE’s president. In the paper, 'Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders,' Mr. Soares concludes that such adult learners, ages 25 to 64 and lacking a college credential, are being underserved by current higher-education institutions even as their share of enrollments grows—a trend that represents a much more significant shift than the advent of new technologies for distance education."



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Keep track of the latest higher ed news and opinions while connecting with peers interested in increasing the number of students who start and finish college. We encourage you to share your ideas and insights on improving student and institutional success.
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Featured White Paper

Using Student Services to Enhance Outcomes and Reduce Costs<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/0ba8c2ad86/e8e548440c/InsideTrack/5ee25deab2/TEST/e8e548440c>

InsideTrack authored this paper for the American Enterprise Institute “Stretching the Higher Education Dollar” research conference and for publication in an upcoming volume by Harvard Education Press.

The paper argues that student support services, if properly configured, effectively targeted, and delivered early in the student lifecycle, generate savings for institutions, students, and society overall.
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