[Okgrantsmanship] OCCRL Position Announcements

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Thu May 23 10:27:24 CDT 2013

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OCCRL Position Announcements: Associate Director for Communications and Two Post-Doctoral Research Associates

OCCRL invites nominations and applications for three new positions, to begin as soon as possible following the searches. The job announcements follow:


Associate Director of Communications

The Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL), a unit of the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, seeks applications for the position of Associate Director of Communications (for OCCRL). This is academic professional appointment is a full-time (100%) position that requires effective communication, organization, and leadership skills. The Associate Director of Communications position reports to the Director of OCCRL. The position is funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

OCCRL researchers study policies, programs, and practices designed to enhance outcomes for diverse youth and adults who seek to transition to and through college to employment. OCCRL's research spans the P-20 education continuum, with an intense focus on how community colleges impact education and employment outcomes for diverse learners. Results of OCCRL's studies of pathways and programs of study, extending from high school to community colleges, to universities and to employment, are disseminated nationally and internationally. Reports and materials are derived from new knowledge captured and disseminated through OCCRL's website, scholarly publications, and other vehicles.

Responsibilities: The Associate Director of Communications has responsibility for leading and supporting communications that disseminate and promote OCCRL's research portfolio. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute as follows:
*         Sets the strategic direction for OCCRL's communication plan, including communications with internal employees and external constituents.
*         Defines the overall marketing strategy for OCCRL, including internal and external messaging.
*         Uses social media, emerging platforms, and online communities to develop long and short-term actionable strategies for OCCRL.
*         Advises research teams on effective communications strategies, supporting and establishing realistic goals for design, media usage, and product outcomes.
*         Supports researchers in their grant procurement, including grant writing, monitoring external funding opportunities, and overseeing grant writing of OCCRL staff.
*         Maintains positive working relationships between OCCRL and external funders, partners, and clients, including representing OCCRL with these groups and maintaining an active advisory board, as needed.
*         Supervises staff in the development, design, production, and editorial direction of print, electronic, web and video communications; performs own writing, editing, and design functions.
*         Produces websites, e-communications, op-eds, news releases, press materials, and news events/conferences, as well as participates in the production of reports, briefs, and funding proposals.

Qualifications:  The Associate Director of Communications must hold a Master's degree in communications, public relation, marketing, journalism, education or related field and must have 3-5 years working in a communications position in an education, human services, social services, or related organization. Excellent oral and written communication skills and the ability to communicate effectively are essential, as are strong organizational and time management skills. Prior experience with communications related to education research and education policy contexts is preferred. The successful candidate should possess working knowledge of the use of social media platforms (such as Twitter and Facebook) and website technologies (e.g., Content Management System Wordpress) to build an audience on these platforms. Experience with media publishing and editing technologies, including (but not limited to) Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Premiere, and online meeting, eLearning and Webinar software, is also preferred.

Salary/Benefits: Salary and benefits are competitive.

Location: OCCRL has offices in Champaign as well as Chicago. The Associate Director of Communications may hold an office in either location.

Closing date: The review of applications will begin no later than Friday, June 7, 2013, and the search will continue until a suitable candidate is identified for the position. For questions about the position, please contact the search committee chair, Dr. Allison Witt at awitt1 at illinois.edu<mailto:awitt1 at illinois.edu>.

Application Procedures:  To apply, please complete a candidate profile at http://jobs.illinois.edu<http://occrl.illinois.edu/?email_id=37&user_id=498&urlpassed=aHR0cDovL29jY3JsLmlsbGlub2lzLmVkdS8%2FZW1haWxfaWQ9MzcmYW1wO3VzZXJfaWQ9MCZhbXA7ZGVtbz0xJmFtcDt1cmxwYXNzZWQ9YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWldKdFlXbHNMbWxzYkdsdWIybHpMbVZrZFM5dmQyRXZjbVZrYVhJdVlYTndlRDlEUFdWaFdrNTNNR05JTUZWdFRERm1NWFpCTm1SU1JWYzBlRnB5YkZKQ09VRkpVelpIVUc5Tk1uTkxZbWRzY2pOa1ZFVklhRkJtWDFCMVZuUjVhbUZITFhReFNDMVJjRXBJUlVrM1p5NG1ZVzF3TzFWU1REMW9kSFJ3SlROaEpUSm1KVEptYW05aWN5NXBiR3hwYm05cGN5NWxaSFVsTW1ZJTNEJmFtcDtjb250cm9sbGVyPXN0YXRzJmFtcDthY3Rpb249YW5hbHlzZSZhbXA7d3lzaWphLXBhZ2U9MSZhbXA7d3lzaWphcD1zdWJzY3JpcHRpb25z&controller=stats&action=analyse&wysija-page=1&wysijap=subscriptions> and submit a letter of application, resume, and names and contact information of at least three references.


Post-Doctoral Research Associate (2 Positions)

The Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL) in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has two Post-Doctoral Research Associate positions that focus on quantitative and mixed methods policy research related to college transition for youth and adults. The positions require a doctorate in higher education, community college education, public policy, or a related social science discipline, with evidence of research experience in public policy and/or educational research.

The post-doctoral research associates will be expected to participate across the full range of quantitative and qualitative research, including design, fieldwork, analysis, report writing, and other academic and scholarly publications and presentations. Candidates should have strong quantitative research skills including experience with quantitative analysis software (Stata, SPSS, and/or SAS). Candidates should have demonstrated experience with multilevel or hierarchical models. Experience with database design and management is preferred, including experience with Access. Prior experience with grant writing is also preferred.

The candidate is expected to work independently and cooperatively with a research team, and is expected to meet deadlines with timely and accurate completion of work to the highest academic standards.

The post-doctoral research associate positions can begin immediately and extend through the 2013-14 academic year, with a possible extension to summer 2014 and the 2014-2015 academic year.  Salary is competitive.

To apply, send a cover letter and vita to Collin Ruud at cruud2 at illinois.edu<mailto:cruud2 at illinois.edu>.





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