[Okgrantsmanship] Research Experience for Undergrads: U Maryland Baltimore County HPC

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Mon Feb 3 09:17:25 CST 2014

Forwarding from Matthias Gobbert (gobbert at umbc.edu) of U Maryland Baltimore County.

Please reply directly to Matthias, and please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



Research Experiences for Undergraduate Site University of Maryland Baltimore County Interdisciplinary Program in High Performance Computing Parallel, Scientific, and Statistical Computing Sun June 15 - Fri Aug 8 2014 Applications due Sat March 1 2014 http://www.umbc.edu/hpcreu/ hpcreu at umbc.edu

See the attached flyer for more information.


Do you have students who are interested in parallel, scientific, or statistical computing?

Our REU Site at UMBC provides an introduction to all these and applies them to interdisciplinary research projects.

We expect some background in programming, but the program has been successful for students with only a sophomore class standing.

All details, including examples of past summers and a detailed description of the mechanics from a student perspective, at:


Unique features:

* projects in both mathematics and statistics;

* 12 participants working in teams with graduate TA/RA support;

* access to state-of-the-art distributed-memory cluster in UMBC's High Performance Computing Facility (www.umbc.edu/hpcf);

* full complement of professional development activities;

* funded jointly by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Security Agency (NSA).

All details can be found at www.umbc.edu/hpcreu, including a nearly hour-to-hour schedule and a detailed description of what to expect from a student perspective.

See the attached flyer for more information.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions at:

hpcreu at umbc.edu

Matthias Gobbert (Mathematics) and Nagaraj Neerchal (Statistics)

Matthias K. Gobbert, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Department of Mathematics and Statistics Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Consulting (www.umbc.edu/circ) UMBC High Performance Computing Facility (www.umbc.edu/hpcf) REU Site: Interdisciplinary Program in HPC (www.umbc.edu/hpcreu) University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250
Tel: (410) 455-2404, Fax: (410) 455-1066 http://www.math.umbc.edu/~gobbert

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