[Okgrantsmanship] RESEARCH EXPERIENCE FOR UNDERGRADS: U Texas Austin Computational - MAR 29 DEADLINE

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Mar 11 10:40:43 CDT 2014

Forwarding from Rosie Gomez (rosie at tacc.utexas.edu) of the Texas Advanced Computing Center at U Texas Austin.

Please reply directly to Rosalia, and please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



Research Experience for Undergraduates, Summer 2014 Integrative Computational Education and Research Traineeship Sun June 1 - Sat Aug 2 2014 The University of Texas at Austin
Contact: Rosie Gomez (rosie at tacc.utexas.edu) http://www.icertreu.org/


The Integrative Computational Education Research Traineeship
(ICERT) Research Experience for Undergraduates at The University of Texas at Austin transfers the best practices of the NSF IGERT (Integrated Graduate Education Research Traineeship) to undergraduate computational research training.

Sunday June 1 to Saturday August 2, selected participants will engage in a weeklong computational science training institute for undergraduates presented by the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), additional introductory training in scientific visualization, seminars on innovation and discovery in computational science and engineering, workshops on communicating science to the public, and immersion in a faculty research group with a faculty and graduate student mentor.

Computational resources for training and research are managed by the NSF Funded Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE).

Participant support: $4,500 stipend, room, board, $500 travel.


* Sophomore, Junior, Senior graduating in December 2014 or later
* U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
* Majoring in or engaged in computational science or engineering fields

Final deadline:

Rolling admission until March 29 with the possibility that positions may be filled before March 29, based on the on-going eligibility and quality of applicants.

2014 Tentative research groups:


Application and full details:



Rosalia Gomez
Education Programs Coordinator
Texas Advanced Computing Center
The University of Texas at Austin
(512) 471-6785
rosie at tacc.utexas.edu

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