[Okgrantsmanship] Next Week! Women in Science Conference 10/14/14

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Oct 7 11:01:30 CDT 2014

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Dear Women in Science Conference registrant:

The Women in Science Conference will be held next Tuesday, October 14th, and we are ready for a terrific event!  More than 800 students and teachers from 50 schools across the state registered to attend on October 14.

Schools will be broken up into two groups-green group and pink group.  Green Group<http://www.okepscor.org/sites/default/files/Agenda--Green_Group--Women_in_Science_Conference_0.pdf> is made up of mostly middle school students (408 students/45 teachers).  Pink group<http://www.okepscor.org/sites/default/files/Agenda--Pink_Group--Women_in_Science_Conference.pdf> is predominantly high school students (318 students/46 teachers).  (Click the links to access each groups' agenda and lists of schools.)

Parking & Check-In
Free parking for our event is available in the Mabee Center parking lot.  Everyone receiving this email will enter the building through the vendor/volunteer entrance on the west side of the building (Lewis St. side-across from Walmart).  DO NOT USE THE FRONT/MAIN ENTRANCE-it is only for our visiting schools (teachers/students).  You may enter the Mabee Center as early as 7 a.m.; check-in at the designated vendor check-in table-everyone from your group must check in.  Vendors must be set-up by 8:30 a.m.

Food & Beverage Info. for All Vendors and Volunteers
Breakfast pastries will be provided to vendors/volunteers at the concession stand located near the lobby escalator (concourse level).  Tickets for lunch and beverages will be located in your name tag holder that you will be issued at check-in.  During your designated lunch time, please send someone from your booth to pick up your boxed lunches/beverages at the concession stand located near the lobby escalator and bring them back to your booth to eat (take all tickets with you).  You can also access bottled water throughout the day at the concession stand with your tickets.

As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your support of Women in Science!  -gina

Please read on for important day-of-the-event information.....

Detailed Conference Information for Booth Hosts
A list of hands-on science and recruitment booth hosts is attached for your use.  Below, you will find all of the important information about booth host's roles in the Women in Science Conference, including check-in details, etc.  The lead booth host person has been provided this information in advance; if you are affiliated with a booth, I encourage you to review the information so you are aware of what to expect at the conference.
Event Date:                        Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Location:                             Mabee Center, 7777 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa
Vendor Entrance:            West side/Lewis St./ Across from Walmart (NOT the main entrance!)
Check In:                             Starts at 7 a.m.; set up must be completed by 8:30 a.m.
End Time:                            2:15 p.m.

Your Staff
Your booth must be manned at all times throughout the day. Everyone who will be assisting with your booth must have individually registered for the event.  (Complete/return the attached form by Sept. 1 if for anyone who hasn't already registered.)  If they have not pre-registered by Sept. 1, they will be required to do so the morning of the event before setting up.

Parking, Check-In, Setting Up Your Booth
Free parking for our event is available in the Mabee Center parking lot.  Booth hosts will use a dedicated vendor entrance on the west side of the building (Lewis St. side).  DO NOT USE THE FRONT/MAIN ENTRANCE.  Due to this year's site change and budget constraints, we will not have volunteers available to assist in bringing in your booth items; only 3-4 carts will be available (first come/first served).  You should plan accordingly and bring staff & carts to get from the parking area to your booth space.

You may enter the Mabee Center as early as 7 a.m.., with set-up to be completed by 8:30 a.m.  Please enter the building through the vendor entrance (west side/Lewis St.-across from Walmart) and check-in at the designated vendor check-in table-everyone from your group must check in.  NOTE:  It is imperative that you have your materials inside the building/in your designated space by 8:30 a.m., as schools begin checking in at that time.  The first session formally begins at 9:30, but some schools will enter the space earlier than this.

Breakfast, Lunch, Water
Breakfast pastries will be provided to vendors at the concession stand located near the lobby escalator (mezzanine level).  Tickets for lunch and beverages will be located in your name tag holder that you will be issued at check-in.  During your designated lunch time, please send someone from your booth to pick up your boxed lunches/beverages at the concession stand located near the lobby escalator and bring them back to your booth to eat (take all tickets with you).  You can also access bottled water throughout the day at the concession stand with your tickets.

Booth Size, Placement & Electricity
Tables will be 6-ft. length and will be covered with a cloth prior to your arrival.  Every effort will be made to meet placement and electrical requests.  Booths have been numbered and will be placed in a clockwise pattern around the perimeter of the Mabee Center concourse.  Please note that, in some instances, the numerical order of booth placement may vary slightly to meet the special needs of our vendors and the physical constraints of the building (e.g. fire exits, etc.).

Electrical access will be available to you if you have requested it.  Extension cords will not be provided; you must plan to bring one with you-30 ft. length is suggested.  The facility will provide material to cover cords that may be on the floor.  CORDS MAY NOT CROSS WALKING PATHS OR AISLES.

Signage may not be attached to walls.

Session & Student Information
Hands-on booths and college/recruitment fair booths will be combined into one large, two-hour session.  Booths will be distributed around the circular concourse level of the Mabee Center.  We expect 725 students and 100 teachers to participate in the conference (grades 6-12).  Schools begin arriving at 8:30 a.m.  You must have your booth set up by 8:30 a.m.

Schools will be divided into two groups and will participate in two separate sessions.  Pink group<http://www.okepscor.org/sites/default/files/Agenda--Pink_Group--Women_in_Science_Conference.pdf> is made up of predominantly high school students (318 students/46 teachers).  They will participate in your session from 9:30-11:40.  The second group, Green Group<http://www.okepscor.org/sites/default/files/Agenda--Green_Group--Women_in_Science_Conference_0.pdf>, is made up of predominantly middle school students (408 students/45 teachers).  Green group will participate from 12:15-2:15.

Students get excited about freebies, so please plan to bring promotional materials, giveaways, etc., to further engage the kids.  We will not be having organized prize drawings this year; instead, items should be distributed informally from your booth and given directly to students throughout the day.  Please pace yourself to ensure that you have retained enough items and materials for the second session.

Helpful Hints for a Successful Hands-on Science Booth


  *   Do save ½ of your materials and giveaway items for the second session.
  *   Do expect about 450 people per 2 hour session.
  *   Do expect students from grades 6-12.
  *   Do expect the girls to move in informal, small groups.
  *   Do expect the mezzanine area to be noisy.
  *   Do plan an exercise that would take at most 3-5 minutes for the student(s) to complete.
  *   Do bring an extension cord if you've requested electrical access.

  *   Don't expect students to have time to return to your booth later to see results.
  *   Don't provide only things to observe.  Remember, it's a hands-on session!
  *   Don't hang anything on the wall. (Please bring a tripod or stand for posters/signs.)
  *   Don't expect to have extra floor space for an activity, unless it has been formally requested and granted.
  *   Don't provide take-home items for students that aren't easily toted in a bag.  (Bags will be provided to students at check-in.)
Thank you for your participation and support of this great conference!  Please let us know if you have any additional questions or if we can be of assistance in any way.  -gina

2014 Women in Science Conference is sponsored by:
[http://www.okepscor.org/sites/default/files/EPSCoR%20logo%20for%20Printed%20Materials.JPG]               [cid:image022.png at 01CFD418.422F6660]            [cid:image023.png at 01CFD418.422F6660]            [cid:image024.png at 01CFD418.422F6660]               [cid:image025.png at 01CFD418.422F6660]
 [http://www.okepscor.org/sites/default/files/u6/OII_LOGO_CMYK_50.jpg]       [cid:image027.png at 01CFD418.422F6660]         [cid:image028.png at 01CFD418.422F6660]         [cid:image029.png at 01CFD418.422F6660]

Gina Miller
Outreach Coordinator
Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR
Oklahoma State University
415 Whitehurst Hall
Stillwater, OK  74078
Ph: 405.744.7645
Fax: 405.744.7688
gmiller at okepscor.org<mailto:gmiller at okepscor.org>
gina.miller at okstate.edu<mailto:gina.miller at okstate.edu>
[cid:image017.jpg at 01CEC4CA.203846C0]

[cid:image018.jpg at 01CEC4CA.203846C0]<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Oklahoma-EPSCoR/147363668667232>  [cid:image019.jpg at 01CEC4CA.203846C0] <http://www.flickr.com/photos/epscor/>   [cid:image020.jpg at 01CEC4CA.203846C0] <https://twitter.com/OklahomaEPSCoR>    [cid:image021.jpg at 01CEC4CA.203846C0] <http://www.youtube.com/user/OKEPSCoRBioenergy?feature=watch>

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