[Okgrantsmanship] RESEARCH EXPERIENCE FOR UNDERGRADS: Clemson University - Collaborative Data Visualization - Due March 31

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Jan 28 13:45:21 CST 2015

*Please forward to faculty members who will recruit students to apply to the summer research experience.
Dr. Linda Mason

Forwarding from Vetria Byrd (vlbyrd at clemson.edu) of Clemson University.

Please reply directly to Vetria, and please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



Research Experience for Undergraduates, summer 2015 Collaborative Data Visualization Applications Program Dates: Mon June 1 – Fri July 24 2015 Applications due Tue March 31 2015
Contact: Vetria Byrd (vlbyrd at clemson.edu) http://citi.clemson.edu/viz/reu


Clemson University is accepting applications for participation in the REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Collaborative Data Visualization Applications for summer 2015.

REU Site funded by NSF ACI Award 1359223.

Who should apply: all undergraduate students, enrolled in an undergraduate university/college with an interest in visualization.

The program is funded by the NSF and as such all participants must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident.

What majors will be considered: Visualization plays a key role in all areas of research; all academic majors are encouraged to apply.

Some highlights from the 2014 VisREU Experience:

[1] In 2014 the VisREU Program was held up as a model REU Site by NSF.

[2] The entire REU Site attended the XSEDE14 Conference in Atlanta, GA; with 50% of the VisREU participants participating in the student poster competition.

[3] A VisREU student participant gave a poster presentation on research results at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, VA.

[4] Information about 2014 student projects can be viewed at http://citi.clemson.edu/viz/reu (click on the 2014 tab).

We are now accepting applications for 2015 VisREU Summer Program and planning for another successful summer.

All undergraduates with an interest in visualization are encouraged to apply at


Important Dates:

Application materials should be submitted for full consideration by March 31, 2015.

Application review will begin on April 1, 2015.

Program Information:

Program Dates: June 1 – July 24, 2015
Interdisciplinary Research
Paid Research

Program brochure attached.

Please share this announcement with any undergraduate student interested in exploring research in visualization.

For questions send email to REU Site Coordinator, Vetria Byrd at:

vlbyrd at clemson.edu

Vetria L. Byrd, PhD

Advanced Visualization, Director
Research Associate/Visualization Scientist REU Site Coordinator Clemson Computing & Information Technology Cyberinfrastructure Technology Integration Clemson University
2097 Barre Hall
120 McGinty Court
Clemson, SC 29634 U.S.A.
Voice: 864.656.5960
eMail: vlbyrd at clemson.edu
URLs: http://citi.clemson.edu/people/vlbyrd

Advanced Visualization

REU Site: Collaborative Data Visualization Applications http://citi.clemson.edu/viz/reu

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