[Okgrantsmanship] Bioinformatics Workshop at OK State U Aug 3-7

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Jul 22 12:09:42 CDT 2015

Forwarding from Peter Hoyt (peter.r.hoyt at okstate.edu) of Oklahoma State University.

Please reply directly to Peter, and please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



Bioinformatics workshop
Mon Aug 3 - Fri Aug 7 2015
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater campus
$125 registration (includes lunches)
Contact: bioinformatics at okstate.edu

Register at:



Seats still available at the bioinformatics workshop at Oklahoma State, Stillwater

There are still seats available for the August 3 through August 7 bioinformatics workshop on the OSU-Stillwater campus.

The cost for entire week (8:30AM to 5PM) is only $125 and includes lunches.

Please join us with guest trainers Haibao Tang (University of Arizona - iPlant), and Vivek Krishnakumar (J. Craig Venter Institute), as we provide hands-on training in genome assembly methods and comparisons, annotation, metagenomics, comparative genomics, genetic variant mapping.

Along with the iPlant infrastructure we will use the OSU supercomputer Cowboy providing both GUI and command-line training for researchers interested in these techniques.

To reserve your spot, payment can be made by credit card at:


Due to increased student enrollment, there are no on-campus housing options available this year, but hotels in the area are reasonably priced (because it is not football season yet).

For more information on hotels please check out the Stillwater Visitors Bureau website:


For questions, please contact Dr. Peter Hoyt directly at
(405) 744-6206 or email

bioinformatics at okstate.edu

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