[Okgrantsmanship] Grant Opportunities

Fisher, Christine cfisher at osrhe.edu
Fri Jan 21 15:51:30 CST 2022

Hello Everyone,

Please see a few grant updates below.

Have a great weekend!

Christine Fisher
Coordinator of Grant Writing and External Funding Assistance
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
cfisher at osrhe.edu
T: 405-225-9265
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Federal Grants-STEM
The Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds research and practice focused on the range of informal STEM learning experiences and environments that comprise life-long learning. As an NSF broadening participation emphasis program, AISL recognizes that an intentional and explicit strategy that advances equity is key to effectively building research and practice capacity in the informal STEM learning field. To that end, the National Science Foundation seeks proposals to create an AISL Equity Resource Center (AERC) to advance equity within the informal STEM learning field through community building; supporting and extending infrastructures; technical assistance; and communications. For the purposes of this solicitation, the program does not define or bound the concept of equity. Instead, this call allows the proposer to both define equity in relation to the needs of informal STEM learning field and design and deploy creative approaches that promote equity across the informal STEM learning field. Overall, the AISL program seeks an AERC that will serve public and professional communities in the informal STEM learning field through the following functions:

  1.  Cultivate a multi-sector, diverse community dedicated to promoting equity in informal STEM learning experiences and environments.
  2.  Raise the visibility and impact of equity-focused research and practice in the informal STEM learning field and its contributions to the overall STEM endeavor.
  3.  Support AISL PIs, prospective PIs, and partners in enacting their commitments to equity with respect to research and practice.
  4.  Promote equitable practices that support the AISL program.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing community-engaged research that will address the drivers and environmental impacts of energy transitions in underserved communities. For purposes of this competition and the evaluation of applications, "underserved communities" refers to populations sharing a particular characteristic, as well as geographic communities, that have been systematically denied a full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life, including people of color, low income, rural, tribal, indigenous, and other populations that may be disproportionately impacted by environmental harms and risks.


This initiative calls for fundamentally new approaches in molecular sciences to drive new directions in biotechnology, a critical and emerging technology of the 21st century. This is the second year of a campaign targeting broad annual themes to be pursued through collaborative high risk/high reward projects. This year's solicitation calls for synergistic scientific research collaborations that involve innovative machine learning (ML) methods to foster advances in research on the function of biomolecular systems and have the potential to drive innovation in biotechnology.

Federal Grants-Health
Notable: $500,000=Ceiling, 26=Number of Expected Awards
The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) is a multi-year initiative by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality of substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD) in high-risk rural communities. This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the RCORP-Behavioral Health Care Support (RCORP-BHS). RCORP-BHS will advance RCORP's overall goal by improving access to and quality of SUD and other behavioral health care services in rural communities. For the purposes of this NOFO, improving rural behavioral health care service delivery includes increasing access to and utilization of prevention, treatment and recovery services to improve the care for those affected by behavioral health conditions, which may include substance use and mental health disorders.
https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html (Forecasted)
The Office of Population Affairs anticipates the availability of funding for a new cohort of Teen Pregnancy Prevention research grant projects. The funded projects will primarily consist of secondary data analyses or small research projects to explore new questions in teenage pregnancy prevention. OPA is interested in projects that improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of pregnancy prevention programs for adolescents or young adults, and/or reduce disparities.

The purpose of the HWRC Cooperative Agreement Program is to support and disseminate rigorous and state-of-the-art applied research that strengthens evidence-based policy and enhances the Federal Government's and the public's understanding of issues and trends in the health workforce. In this way, the HWRC projects inform health workforce planning and policy at all levels.

The intent of the HVRP grant program is to obtain high-quality career outcomes for veterans experiencing homelessness. The Department encourages applicants to propose strategies to achieve economic opportunity, address historical inequities, and provide equitable access and outcomes to marginalized groups. To meet the fluctuations in the population and changing needs of veterans experiencing homelessness, VETS requires grant recipients to provide an array of client-centered services utilizing a case management approach that directly assists homeless veterans and provides critical linkages to a variety of support services available in their local communities.  The HVRP approach is focused on obtaining high-quality career outcomes for the veteran. Veterans are to receive the job training and employment services required to re-enter and be successful in the labor force. To realize long-term benefits for veterans experiencing homelessness, grant recipients must address the complex employment-related requirements and support services necessary to meet the needs of this population. This can be achieved either through direct services or through a robust referral system establishing tools, resources, and partnerships to identify, recruit, prepare, and support veterans experiencing homelessness for employment success. Through one of these methods, grant recipients will provide job placement, job training, job development, career counseling, and resume preparation services among other services to assist with obtaining high-quality career outcomes. The HVRP grant prioritizes ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all workers, providing opportunities for marginalized communities and ensuring accessibility for underserved communities. Grant recipients will be better able to deliver more outcomes that are equitable for marginalized veterans by understanding the inequities that exist and by embedding equity into decision-making processes. Applicants are encouraged to address systemic and programmatic barriers that have created employment and economic inequities for historically marginalized populations, particularly Black, Indigenous, Latinx/Hispanic, Pacific Islander, other people of color, women of color, as well as other communities disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Federal Grants-Arts
This is a year of transition for the NEA's research program. Priorities that were expressed in a new five-year research agenda for the agency will be more fully reflected next year in the NEA's FY 2024 Research Labs application guidelines. Meanwhile, the NEA Research Labs continue to build public knowledge about the arts and their contributions to individuals, communities, and society at large. Through NEA Research Labs, we will cultivate a series of transdisciplinary research partnerships, grounded in the social and behavioral sciences, to produce and report empirical insights about the arts for the benefit of arts practitioners, but also for non-arts sectors such as healthcare, education, and business or management. Institutions of higher education and/or nonprofit research and policy organizations may submit applications to be NEA Research Labs. The NEA Research Labs program offers grant funding for longer-term research agendas. These agendas will include multiple research studies and activities that build and inform the field throughout the life of an NEA Research Lab. Applicants seeking grant funding for a specific and discrete research study should refer to the Research Grants in the Arts program guidelines Our support of a project may start on or after January 1, 2023. The period of performance is a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 24 months. A grantee may not receive more than one National Endowment for the Arts grant for the same project during the same period of performance.

Reminder about DUNS to UEI Changeover April 5, 2022
Informational video: https://vimeo.com/648667847
Slides (attached to this email)

Rural Oklahoma Community Foundation
Grants will be awarded to qualified nonprofit organizations or entities of state and local government for appropriate programs and projects that meet the following criteria:

  *   Service is provided in communities with a population of less than 6,000 (as of the 2016 U.S. Census) within one of the following counties: Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Cherokee, Choctaw, Coal, Haskell, Johnston, Latimer, McCurtain, McIntosh, Okfuskee and/or Pushmataha. (Note: Organizations located outside the designated counties will be considered for funding if services occur in one or more of these counties or communities within them.)
  *   The project should be new or an expansion of a current effort that will positively impact the community in the areas of 1) Arts/Culture/History, 2) Libraries/Literacy or 3) Health.
  *   The project should directly and/or indirectly benefit a broad range of individuals in the community.
  *   The project should have matching support from other resources in the community.
  *   Qualified nonprofit organizations or entities of state and local government implementing projects that serve one eligible community and/or county will be considered for grants of up to $10,000.
  *   Qualified nonprofit organizations or entities of state and local government implementing projects that serve multiple eligible communities and/or counties will be considered for grants of up to $15,000.

NLN Research in Nursing Education Grants Program
The NLN Research in Nursing Education Grants Program supports high-quality studies that contribute to the development of the science of nursing education. The NLN-funded grants promote diversity of research topics and support investigators who demonstrate rigor and innovative approaches to advance the field of nursing education research. All NLN research grants relate to the NLN Priorities for Research in Nursing Education<http://www.nln.org/professional-development-programs/research/research-priorities-in-nursing-education>.  Access a free archived webinar<http://www.nln.org/docs/default-source/Research-Grants/grants-webinar.mp4?sfvrsn=0> that outlines the submission process for research proposals; provides tips for developing strong, competitive proposals; and encourages submissions that clearly address issues relevant to excellence in nursing education.

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