[Counselors] FW: Question: Semester test exemptions/absences/grades

Nelson, Lisa lnelson at osrhe.edu
Wed Dec 4 10:49:15 CST 2013

From: Shyanne Gatrost [mailto:shyanne.gatrost at pawnee.k12.ok.us]
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 8:34 AM
To: Nelson, Lisa
Subject: Re: [Counselors] Question: Semester test exemptions/absences/grades


Our middle and high school started an exemption policy a few years ago to try and help with attendance. Last year was my first year here, however according to my principal the exemption policy has helped tremendously with attendance. Something else we implemented last year is that all school fees must be paid as well to be exempt. Both implementations have helped.

My thoughts as to if this helps... Honestly, the students who care about grades and attendance or not having to take a test are going to be here and do what it takes to be exempt. The students who do not have the best grades usually do not have great attendance either. I wish we had something for these students that they would be willing to work towards. I feel like the exemption policy is honestly for a handful of students not necessarily the whole student population.

I hope this helps. I have copied and attached our exemption policy to this email. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Shyanne Gatrost
Pawnee High School Counselor

Dana - 3 or fewer absences and a letter grade of A exempts our students from the final.  I really don't think kids think about this until the week before finals.  I doubt that the policy has any real effect on attendance
Ed Poley      epoley at tyrone.k12.ok.us

At Owasso High we require semester exams which count at 15% of the total semester grade.

Becky Copeland
Counselor, H-O
Owasso High School
Direct Line: 918-272-8030
FAX: 918-272-8028
becky.copeland at owasso.k12.ok.us<mailto:becky.copeland at owasso.k12.ok.us>

We had the policy of exemption of one or two based on attendance and grades but not all (since in college they HAVE to take finals).  We did away with the policy more than 3 years ago--too many complaints about how "unfair" it was from our parents (and some had valid points).  In KC, I was a counselor at a high school that also tried this.  It was based again on attendance (you could only miss one day and must have a B or better in the class you chose to be exempt).  There are variations and seemed to always be complaints for exceptions.  I do think it was a great attendance incentive for many and for others, due to their grades not making the cutoff--it still didn't matter.

Melinda Cyr
Counselor for students with last names P-Z
Owasso High School
12901 E 86th St N
Owasso, OK  74055
918-272-8026  Fax:  918-272-8028
Melinda.Cyr at owasso.k12.ok.us<mailto:Melinda.Cyr at owasso.k12.ok.us>

We used to have a semester test exemption policy, but have eliminated it

5 absences   = A  (we felt 5 absences was too many)
3 absences = B
1 absence = C

The first year it had a positive effect on attendance, each year after absences increased slowly. Unless the school is strict on their stance when students miss a semester test, even the exemption policy isn't an incentive.
Alicia Brierton

We do 3 absences and A's, 2 absences and B's, and 1 absence and C.  It has helped our attendance TREMENDOUSLY!!!  The kids will do anything not to miss school so they can be exempt.   Dale School
Carren Cantrell <ccantrell at dale.k12.ok.us>

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 4:47 PM, Nelson, Lisa <lnelson at osrhe.edu<mailto:lnelson at osrhe.edu>> wrote:

From: Dana Martin [mailto:dana.martin at guymontigers.com<mailto:dana.martin at guymontigers.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 4:32 PM
To: Nelson, Lisa
Subject: Semester test exemptions/absences/grades

Question for counselors:  What are the current practices for semester test exemptions that schools use in relation to letter grades and semester attendance?  (For example, students with 3 or fewer absences and a letter grade of A do not have to take the semester exams.)  Also curious on what your personal thoughts in effectiveness for attendance?

Dana Martin
Dana.martin at guymontigers.com<mailto:Dana.martin at guymontigers.com>

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