[Oasfaa] (Call for Volunteers....

Scott Medlin medlinsa at mail.nsuok.edu
Tue Jun 18 17:00:36 CDT 2002

Dear OASFAA Friends,

Do you remember that awesome project last year called Cash for
College?   You know, the one where many of your friends
and colleagues volunteered their time (and money) to be involved in a
one hour OETA television program that helped
Oklahoma families have a greater understanding about what paying for
college is all about?  Sure, now you remember..... And
don't you wish you could have done more to be part of such a great
project?     I know I wish I had done more.... SO... this
year I have agreed to be the Chairman of the Cash for College
Project.    And I need a WHOLE LOT of help!

The Cash for College Program is a team effort between the membership of
OASFAA, the Oklahoma State Regents for
Higher Education, the Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program, and the
many student loan lenders and loan servicing
partners that are such an important part of our profession.   Cash for
College was a BIG project in it's first year, and we are
going to make it an even BIGGER AND BETTER, project for this year.
So... it's time to start our work  We now have the
job of making sure that Cash for College is huge success.

A preliminary planning meeting with OETA was held on April 18.  OETA is
very excited about working with us to produce the
Cash for College Program again this year.  At this planning meeting, we
decided to divide up the work of the Cash for
College project by developing the following committees:

1.  Phone Bank Committee
2.  Sponsorship Committee
3.  Promotions and Advertising Committee
4.  Program Format and Content Committee
5.  Refreshments and Celebration Committee

(And we may develop additional committees if needed to make sure that
all the work of this project gets accomplished.)

We are working with OETA to set an early February 2003 time slot for
this year's program.  This means we have about 8
months to get all of our work done, and I'm sure we'll need all 8

So.... I am personally asking for your help.   Please look through the
list of committees above and consider which one you
think you might like to be involved with.  I promise we will try to keep
your time out of the office to a minimum.  My goal is not
to take up alot of your time, and require you to attend alot of
meetings.  My goal is to let as many people have the chance to
make a contribution to a project that I believe is the best financial
aid outreach effort that any of us will ever have the chance to
be involved in.

If you can't tell, I'm excited about the Cash for College Program, and I
hope you'll catch the excitement of this project too,
and find a way to be involved this year.

I would like to hear from you by Monday July 8 . You can reach me at
(918) 456-5511 ext. 3410, or by e-mail at medlinsa at nsuok.edu.   If I
don't hear from you, you can expect a phone call from me......

Thanks a million for thinking about it!

Scott Medlin, Director
Student Financial Services
Northeastern State University
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