[Cobo] FW: Capital Bond Lease Use Agreements

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Wed Nov 2 14:43:38 CST 2005

Please find attached the Lease Use Agreement for the Capital Bond
Projects.  Also attached is the signature page that each institution or
entity must execute prior to November 18th.  Please circulate to the
appropriate persons on your campus and return the executed signature
page only (with original signatures) by close of business on Friday,
November 18th.  A copy of the finally executed copy will be returned you
to for your files after the appropriate figures and signatures are


I will compile all of the signature pages and submit to bond counsel as
requested.  Please let me know if you have questions.  Thanks.



From: floydpc [mailto:floydpc at swbell.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 12:14 PM
To: Mauck, Sheri
Subject: Re: Lease Use Agreements




Attached please find the most recent version of the Lease Agreement
together with the individual signature page for each institution. The
rental payments schedule can't be finalized until after pricing the
bonds. The Bonds will price on Nov. 15-16 and then the schedule will be
worked up. We would like to have the signatures of each institution back
no later than Nov. 21 and will hold those signature pages in escrow
until everyone has signed off on all documents and the bonds are
delivered on Nov. 30. 


Please forward the signature page to each institution and ask them to
execute and to type in the name of the institution and the name and
title of the authorized officer (where indicated). Also, we would ask
that you hold the signature pages until you have them all and then
forward them to us by Nov. 21, if possible.



Lynne Driver

Floyd Law Firm, P.C.
118 East Main (73069) 
P.O. Box 396
Norman, Oklahoma 73070
Tel: 405-364-6660
Fax: 405-360-5076

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