[Cobo] follow up on pending items

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Nov 7 09:24:20 CST 2005

Please note the following dates for pending items.  This email will
serve as a follow up to the discussion we had last Thursday at the
Council of Business Officers' meeting.


1. Signature page and Notary page for the Lease Use Agreement--due
November 18th close of business (Please note that in the original email
I overlooked the notary page.  Please include it along with the
signature page.)


2.  Final project budgets needed by November 10th.  Please submit
changes only.  No need to respond if your submissions as of August 8th
have not changed.


3.  Please submit any items you'd like to discuss with the OSF CORE
Staff by November 22nd.  They will be attending our December COBO
meeting and would like to have discussion items in advance of that



Please call me if you have questions.  Thanks.  All due dates are prior
to the Thanksgiving Holiday.




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