[Cobo] Higher Education Conference on Enrollment Management

Risser, Paul paul.risser at osrhe.edu
Mon Nov 7 16:16:34 CST 2005

Hi All, 
On February 2, there will be a Higher Education Conference on Enrollment
Management in Oklahoma City.  This is a follow-up to the Noel-Levitz
workshop and final report.  
The attachment contains an invitation to be a presenter.  We hope that
you will consider submitting a proposal to present an effective activity
or program from which other institutions may benefit.  Submissions will
be reviewed by a committee of the Council of Presidents. 
Also, please save this date on your calendar.  More information will be
sent when arrangements have been finalized.  There will be no
registration fees for your institution's team of 5 to 7 staff involved
in enrollment management related functions such as admissions, financial
aid, student services, business services, and faculty.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write or call.  


Dr. Paul G. Risser, Chancellor 
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 
Phone: 405.225.9120 
Fax: 405.225.9235 
mailto:Paul.Risser at osrhe.edu <blocked::mailto:Paul.Risser at osrhe.edu>  

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