[Cobo] FW: Upcoming meetings for FEMA disaster assistance

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Wed May 14 10:57:07 CDT 2008

Please see the related information on the federal disaster declarations
relating to storms on March 17-23 and April 9-28.  The FEMA Website
lists the eligible counties.   FEMA.gov 


Please make plans to attend one of the regional meetings and be assigned
a caseworker if you have damages to declare for reimbursement
assistance.  At the request of the Oklahoma Emergency Management Office,
the Regents' Office will not be coordinating a system-wide effort so you
need to have a representative attend one of the informational meetings
outlined on the attachment to begin the process of reimbursement.



From: Patrigo, Jeanne (CTR) [mailto:Jeanne.Patrigo at associates.dhs.gov] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:36 AM
To: Paliotta, Amanda; Mauck, Sheri
Subject: Upcoming meetings for FEMA disaster assistance
Importance: High


Amanda and Sherry,


We are in the process of calling all of the municipal offices and
emergency managers in the counties that were recently declared in the
recent flood and tornado disasters to let them know of the public
meetings scheduled in their area. 


We will attempt to contact the public colleges and universities to
invite them to send a representative if they have sustained
infrastructure damages. If the schools with damages are unable to
attend, we suggest they contact our office ASAP so we can fax an RPA
(Request for Public Assistance) form for them to complete and return to


Attached is the listing of public meetings which you may distribute via
your channels.


Jeanne Patrigo

Public Assistance Liaison

State of Oklahoma, Department of Emergency Management

P.O. Box 53365

Oklahoma City, OK  73152-3365

Disaster office 405/869-8001





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