[Cobo] Update on FY’17 Budget Discussions - Data Request due 3/24/2016

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Wed Mar 16 16:38:28 CDT 2016

Business Officers,
Please see this important communication that went out to your Presidents this afternoon regarding information needed on the composite, year-to-date FY2016, total mid-year budget reductions, and then the projected worse-case scenario for FY2017.
The attached worksheets include:  (1) your institution’s projected base figures for FY2017 for use in the preparing the impact to your institution. (2) the worksheet listed as 3-10-2016 – Second Oil GP Reduction, contains the current, FY2016, mid-year reductions to date which you received in an email dated 3/10/2016 for the FY2016 total reduction to use on the FY2016 impacts, and (3) the collection form, containing two worksheets – green tab for FY2016 and blue tab for FY2017, that should be completed and returned by close of business March 24, 2016.
Please return by email to apaliotta at osrhe.edu<mailto:apaliotta at osrhe.edu>. Feel free to contact us if you have questions. Thank you.

Subject: Update on FY’17 Budget Discussions


To:                  Presidents
Cc:                  State Regents
From:             Chancellor Glen D. Johnson
Date:               Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Subject:          Update on FY’17 Budget Discussions

In discussion with our two Budget Chairs, Senator Clark Jolley and Representative Earl Sears, on Monday, March 14, they both indicate that, as it stands right now, the most negative budget reduction scenario for FY’17 could include a budget cut of up to 14 percent from the revised FY’16 base budgets.

Clearly, this 14 percent cut could be reduced based on any House/Senate/Governor agreements on additional revenue measures, which would address the budget shortfall.

To ensure that the materials used by the State Regents in legislative budget meetings and presentations reflect the negative impacts on higher education institutions and programs due to the current year’s (FY’16) budget reductions and to show the devastating impact of what an additional 14 percent budget cut in FY’17 would mean to your campuses, we will be sending each of your Business Officers a revised Budget Impact Scenario form.

The assumptions used for the FY’17 Budget Impact Scenario include: 1) debt service requirements are held harmless from the FY’17 reductions, and 2) the same percentage reduction from the original FY’16 allocations has been applied across-the-board to all institutions, constituent agencies, special programs, financial aid programs, State Regents agency operations, etc.

Information requested on the revised Budget Impact Scenario form will include both FY’16 year-to-date reduced appropriation levels and the potential 14 percent budget cut scenario as discussed with Senator Clark Jolley and Representative Earl Sears on Monday, March 14. You should report direct impacts of faculty reductions by academic discipline, staff reductions by service area, furlough requirements for faculty and staff, course reductions, and elimination of both academic programs and student activities and/or organizations (student clubs, sports programs, etc.).

All materials should be submitted to Vice Chancellor Amanda Paliotta at apaliotta at osrhe.edu<mailto:apaliotta at osrhe.edu> by the close of business on Thursday, March 24.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Glen D. Johnson
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104
gjohnson at osrhe.edu<mailto:gjohnson at osrhe.edu>

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