[Cobo] Budget Needs Survey FY'26 - FY'28

Collier, Yolenda ycollier at osrhe.edu
Tue Aug 27 15:51:23 CDT 2024

Business Officers:

As legislative changes in budget request requirements (SB 1030, 2016 Oklahoma Legislature) operational funding requests are to be submitted for three years instead of the standard one year.  Due to this change, in addition to the FY'26 budget needs, the budget needs for FY'27, and FY'28 will also be required.

Attached are five workbooks to report your institution's FY'26 - FY'28 budget needs.  The data will be summarized and presented to the State Regents, Legislature, Governor and other interested parties as part of the higher education funding needs for FY'26 - FY'28.

The "1 - Form - Budget Needs Survey FY2026", "1 - Form - Budget Needs Survey FY2027", and "1 - Form - Budget Needs Survey FY2028"  workbooks: Use these workbooks to identify your institution's mandatory cost and budget priorities for FY'26, FY'27, and FY'28.  The "Instructions" worksheet provides the information to complete the forms.

The "1 - Form - Use of Cost Savings for FY2026 Budget Needs Survey" workbook is used to report cost savings for all institution operations and information technology activities from FY'22 to FY'26 and how the cost savings were utilized.  Institutions will measure their cost savings internally and report only the grand total of each year's total cost savings.  Institutions will continue to report their use of cost savings from FY'22 through FY'26.

The "Use of Cost Savings" worksheets are important as they will report the utilization of cost savings into campus operations, mandatory costs, institutional priorities, Complete College America initiatives, strengthening programs, information technology equipment and infrastructure, energy reduction and enhancing reserves.

The "2 - Guidance for Mandatory Cost FY2026" workbook will provide guidance from Risk Management, OTRS and OMES: Employees Group Insurance Division.  This worksheet provides general guidance to calculate mandatory cost changes for health and dental insurance, risk management, social security and teachers' retirement.

  *   Please report how your institution deployed the FY26 Critical Workforce Development Initiative funds using the "Special Initiative Funding" workbook. Please be specific in dollar amounts, purposes, and anticipated outcomes that should total to the full amount of your institution's allocation.  The information you report in this worksheet will be used for accountability of the funding you received in FY25 allocations to increase STEM degree production. It is important that you use this funding to enhance your STEM production and not to supplant prior funding allocated to STEM degree programs.

  *   Budget Needs Survey FY2026 form, Misc Data workbook, section G - changes in concurrent enrollments: Please report FY'26 concurrent enrollment reimbursement projection in dollar amounts for junior high school students and senior high school students respectively compared to the concurrent enrollments reimbursement from FY'26.

  *   For the purposes of estimating increases in health insurance and social security percentage changes, please use the incremental % increases that you are building into the FY'26 need request.

  *   Strategic Plan 2030: Projected cost increases or budget need for initiatives that support the State Regents' Blueprint 2030 Strategic Plan (on misc data form)

  *   FY25 actual outcomes from investment of new special initiative funding with specific data/KPI's.

  *   Share Service Schedule: The potential use of "shared services" as a model for system efficiencies continues to be emphasized.

The budget needs survey is due on September 30, 2024.  Please email your survey to ycollier at osrhe.edu<mailto:ycollier at osrhe.edu>.  The budget needs request will be tentatively presented to the State Regents on November 7, 2024.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.  We appreciate your diligence.

Yolenda Collier
Assistant Vice-Chancellor for Budget & Finance
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
ycollier at osrhe.edu<mailto:ycollier at osrhe.edu>

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