[Eoscstudents] DegreeWorks Instructions

Chris Ames cames at eosc.edu
Thu Aug 24 14:06:31 CDT 2006

Attached is instructions for using DegreeWorks at EOSC.  If you are
enrolled this semester then you should have received your Login I.D. and

DegreeWorks is a web based program that will show you all your classes,
completed and in progress, at EOSC.  You can access this system from the
main www.eosc.edu website by clicking "DegreeWorks Web Audit" under
Academics.  (see attached).  Your Advisor can explain more about

Please note that this system does not include transfer or advanced
placement credit.  If you have transfer classes and would like to get a
copy of your "Unofficial Transcripts", which includes transfer classes,
please contact the Admissions and Records Office.

Thank you,

Chris Ames
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