[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Fri. Dec. 15 Coffee Shop Closed

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Dec 15 10:20:21 CST 2006

Hi folks,

According to the calendar, we're only a week away from official winter, 
but it seems like several months away in temperature.  It seems like 
winter struck and ran away a couple of weeks ago, and now we've gone 
back into spring-like weather.   I'm not complaining, mind you.  I enjoy 
nice weather, whenever we can get it.  It seems like so often, it's way 
too hot here anymore, and then it dips into way too cold suddenly and 
without notice.  That's Oklahoma weather, I guess.  Gotta love it!

I'd better mention too, that the Coffee Shop is closed today.  Susie is 
down here helping us prepare for the reception at the White House.  Be 
sure and attend that sometime between 11:30 and 1:30.  The food is going 
to be wonderful.  I've been drooling all morning and I haven't even got 
to nibble anything!  Talk about torture!

Speaking of the winter weather we had, I haven't seen the little gray 
and white cat that I used to see hanging around since all that ice and 
snow hit.  It would make me feel much better if someone could tell me 
they took the little sweetie with them and gave her a good home.  I hate 
to see homeless animals, but so many of them, especially cats, are so 
afraid of people due to mean people running them off and making them so 
distrustful of people that they are impossible to get close to, and so 
can't be adopted. 

I will be back next Mon. and Tues. to work as I know several of you 
will, but for those of you that won't, I wish you a Blessed Christmas 
and a very Happy New Year.  Be safe in your celebrating, and driving  on 
the highways with all the holiday traffic that's sure to be on the 
roads.   I don't want to hear any bad reports of tragic accidents on any 
of you! 

Our menu for today includes:

            Grilled chicken sandwich
             Green beans
             Chocolate cake

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)

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