[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. July 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jul 11 09:53:18 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

I hope you're all in a nice cool place and don't have to get out in the 
heat today.   According to the reports, it is supposed to be hovering up 
around the mid to high 90's or so, and will feel even hotter than 
that.   (I liked the '90's better as a decade than a temperature.  A lot 
of my best, most meaningful stuff happened in the '90's.  Gary and I got 
married in '91, and my daughter, Destiny was born in '93.) 

I was outside doing some yard work yesterday evening since it was a bit 
cloudy and not as hot as it had been, and we let our house dogs out for 
a while.  Two of them must've stayed on the beaten path, but our little 
Yorkie, Valentina, got out somewhere and gathered up every tick on the 
10 acres!  She was absolutely crawling with them.  The big brown ones 
were easy to spot and not too hard to pick off since they hadn't latched 
on yet, but while I was doing that I noticed that what appeared to be 
dirt on her was actually scads of seed ticks crawling all over her, and 
now crawling all over my legs.  I had to put her in the bathtub for 
several minutes and get her thoroughly wet, then add tick and flea 
shampoo and let that soak in, and run over to a friend's house to get an 
emergency dose of the between-the-shoulder-blades medicine that kills 
ticks.  Thank God for her sharing her medicine with me!  Our little 
Valentina would've been drained dry!  She looks a lot better this 
morning, still has some small ticks on her, but that medicine should do 
the trick on them.  Be sure and watch out for your pets when you let 
them out, even if you spray your yard or put down granules.  I think 
those doggone ticks are getting immune to everything we can throw at 
them!  And from what I hear, the copperheads are bad this year too, so 
you really want to be extra cautious when you're outside and keep your 
eyes open for these unwelcome and dangerous guests.

For those of you who might be interested, don't forget our Storytelling 
Group meets at the Gallery this evening at 7:00.  Everyone is welcome to 
come and tell stories or just listen.  (It's a beautiful, cool place and 
there are no ticks or snakes allowed!)

Our menu for today includes:

            Chicken fried steak
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Sweet peas and onions
            Steamed buttered squash
            Baked potato bar
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is Polish Sausage.

And for dessert have a piece of Cake or some Banana Pudding.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   8-)                 
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