[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. July 25 Don't forget to Vote!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jul 25 10:05:50 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Well, I survived my first night of swimming class and lived to tell 
about it.  At least I know I'm not the only one in the world who 
survived to adulthood without learning how to swim.  Actually, I guess 
you could say, I do know how to swim, just like I know how to fly,  just 
flap your arms and take off, but somehow my actions don't translate into 
the desired result.  (Maybe it's because, astrologically speaking, I'm a 
fire sign.  Water is not my element!)  Kim Ott was in the class with me, 
and she better show up again tonight, and she's already ahead of me.  
She can already float.  Somehow when I'm trying to float, I get panicky 
when my head gets low and water starts going in my ears.  I guess I just 
don't float as high as I feel like I should for my own comfort and 
security.  (I always heard fat floats, but I really doubt this.  You 
sure couldn't prove it by me.)   Mary is very patient though and has 
promised not to drown me or anyone else.  I told her I've never wanted 
to pass a class so badly in my life:  I think the ones who don't pass drown!

Also, today is election day for several offices from the state level on 
down to local positions.  We all really need to go and make our voices 
heard in these matters.  I've seen the advertisements on TV and some of 
them are really scary.  (I wish they would've taken a lesson from Kathy 
Taylor who ran a successful campaign for Mayor of Tulsa and did not 
sling mud at her opponent.  Her platform was all about her experience, 
skills and abilities, and desire to do the job well.  Some of these guys 
running now and in a lot of elections don't seem to be able to build 
themselves up without tearing the other guy down.)  I know everyone says 
if you don't vote you can't fuss about what the elected officials do, 
but we know that's not true.  It's human nature for us to voice our 
opinions about what's going on, especially if we don't like it.  I know 
one vote doesn't seem to count for much, but I want to make sure that I 
at least go and try to get whichever person I feel is most qualified 
elected.  You should too.

And today is recycling day at the Agriculture Building across the 
highway.  This is sponsored by the Latimer County Extension Service, and 
from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm they will be accepting pesticide containers 
(must be tripled rinsed), car or pickup tires, and old batteries for 
recycling.  They will not accept tractor or ATV tires.  For more 
information call:  465-3349.

Our menu for today includes:

            Seasoned baked pork loin
            West of the Pecos Casserole
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Baby carrots
            Pasta bar

And for dessert have some delicious Fruit Cobbler.  (We have ice cream 
to top it off with, too.)

See you at lunch,

Rhoda   :-)    
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