[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. July 26

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jul 26 09:51:04 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,

Well, I've survived two days of swimming class now, and I feel like that 
old joke where the guy says he just flew in from Chicago and boy are his 
arms tired.  I never realized what a workout swimming could be, (or 
actually, just trying not to drown) .  I don't know how many of you 
watch Dave Letterman, but they have a game on there that they play 
called "Will It Float?" where they drop various objects into a giant 
tank of water to see if they will float or not.  I've about decided that 
if the object was me, the answer would always be "NO".  I'm trying 
though, and Mary is really encouraging, but I can't seem to get enough 
confidence in my unsinkability to allow her to let go completely.  She 
may not have to do more than use two fingers to hold me up, but I feel 
like if she took away that little bit, I'd be a goner.  Last night I was 
so exhausted from class that I couldn't go to sleep once I got in bed.  
I know that sounds crazy, but it was like I was too tired to go to 
sleep.  I hope I am awake enough to go to class tonight.  I may have run 
down by then.

Plus, I got a rude awakening this morning, hearing a big thump on the 
back of the house.  When I listened, I could hear chickens squawking and 
carrying on like crazy, so I grabbed the flashlight and ran outside just 
in time to see a little hen running madly in one direction, a rooster 
going another, and a raccoon heading for the woods!  Evidently his 
intended snack woke up and spoiled his plans.  Some of our chickens 
roost in some cedars at the back of the house, and I think one of them 
must've hit the wall trying to fly and get away from the raccoon.  
Ouch!  At least the coon didn't have a chicken in it's mouth when I saw 
it running away. 

Our menu for today includes:

          Baked boneless chicken parmesan
          Chicken fried steak
          Bacon and mushroom penne pasta
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Winter blend vegetables
          Pinto beans
          Marrakesh long grain rice

And for dessert have some Poke Cake.

Come on over and help keep me awake,

Rhoda   8-)

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