[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. June 19 Try new STRAWBERRY FROZEN YOGURT!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jun 19 10:14:15 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

I hope all you fathers had a great Father's Day.  Even though my husband 
was out of town and didn't get back in til yesterday evening, I think he 
was pleased  with what we got him.  He got a new pair of cargo shorts 
from Sharpe's that he thought were cool, a new folding chair in a bag 
since my daughter had recently knocked his old one into the campfire on 
a fishing trip when her and all her cousins freaked out over a noise 
they heard coming from the woods and ran for it.  And probably his 
favorite thing was a golf net, so he can hit golf balls into it without 
having to fetch them back out of the woods amid swarms of mosquitos, 
ticks and chiggers later.  It will probably also save our birds and 
squirrels from getting knocked in the head by golf balls flying through 
their neighborhood. 

We had a really busy weekend without him anyway.  Friday we went to the 
4H fishing derby at Robber's Cave, then went home and prepared some 
desserts for the 4H pie auction Friday evening.  I haven't heard yet how 
much money was raised but there was a pretty good turnout and a lot of 
goodies that people had brought to help raise money for 4H summer 
activities.  The more money they are able to raise, the more they can do 
with the kids to keep them from sitting around all summer saying, "I'm 
bored."  4H camp kicks off tomorrow, so that'll keep them busy for a few 

Then Saturday, there was the train robbery and shoot'em up reenactment 
downtown at noon, and the rodeo parade at 4:00.  I got to ride in the 
parade with another lady in PAWS in her really neat horse and two wheel 
cart.  It was pretty wet right before, but by the time it was over we 
were almost dry.  I thought due to the weather, the rodeo would be 
cancelled, but they were patient and it stopped raining just in time. 

Our menu for today includes: 

          Spaghetti with meat sauce
          Green beans
          Mashed potatoes and gravy

Our fast food is Chili Cheese Nachos.

And for dessert we have Peach Cobbler, and be sure to try some of the 
new Strawberry Frozen Yogurt in the ice cream machine.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)           

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