[Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday June 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Jun 23 09:37:26 CDT 2006

Hi everybody,

I know you're all ready for a good weekend.  I'm looking forward to it 
myself.  I keep thinking that maybe I can get some things done that I 
need to catch up on, but I seem to keep getting distracted.  I think I 
have something I read about in the paper a few weeks ago, called 
something like "Age-activated Attention Deficit Disorder".  It affects 
you like this example:  You set out to wash the car, then when you get 
the hose out, you realize that the flowers need watered and before you 
get that done, you realize that the tomatoes need picking.  While you're 
starting to do that you realize the mail has run and you need to collect 
it and take it inside.  As you're doing that you see you have a bill 
that needs to be paid, then you remember you have to put more checks in 
the checkbook, etc., etc., etc.  The whole day goes on something like 
that, and at the end of the day, you have accomplished nothing and are 
totally exhausted!   And my husband wonders why I have to make lists of 
things to do!  At least it keeps me on track, and you get a feeling of 
satisfaction when you can actually check off a few things on your list! 

I think we have a PAWS adoption day planned for Sat. morning in front of 
Roy's.  Come by and visit with us and adopt a new best friend.  It's 
probably going to be pretty hot, so we'll probably break down early in 
the afternoon to avoid heat stress on ourselves and the dogs.  Sometime 
it just gets too hot to stay out there any longer.  I guess sometimes 
the early bird really does get the worm.  (Sometimes though, they're 
just wormy.  I have a notepad that says "The early bird gets the worm, 
but I'd rather sleep late and have cheesecake."  Amen to that!!!)   

Our menu for this somewhat stormy day includes:

            Chicken strips
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Green beans
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is Nachos Supreme.

And for dessert have a piece of Coconut Cake or a cookie bar.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    :-)    
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