[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 8 Big Deli Sandwiches!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon May 8 10:23:18 CDT 2006

Hi everyone,

I attended the graduation Friday night to cheer on Ali Martinez as she 
received her degree.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find her to 
congratulate her afterwards in that sea of caps and gowns.  I did 
however, run into cousin Matt Wallis and his family and got to see his 
new 3 wk. old son, Fox.  What a cutie!  From where I sat I couldn't hear 
all the speech made by Mr. Williams, (there was a happy baby behind me 
keeping up a running commentary), but I did hear him saying something 
about having been a dishwasher in the Cafeteria here back when he 
attended Eastern.  Just goes to show, you can start in the most unlikely 
of places and still become a success if you're determined and you try 
hard enough.  So if anybody wants to sign on here in the Cafeteria, 
that's a pretty good advertisement, huh?  Really, too, I wanted to see 
which of the students would be graduating to see which ones I'd be 
missing next fall.  Some of them had such a list of achievements to 
their credit that I really didn't want to see them leave!  I wish I had 
been able to get to know more of the kids while they were here, but 
there are several coming back next fall that I'll be glad to see again 
and new ones that will be coming in as Freshmen that we'll enjoy having.

I've been telling everyone over here since I started this job that when 
I don't know something, it's because I'm new.  I told them I'd be new 
for at least a year, at least until I'd been through everything once.  I 
guess that means I'm not quite so new anymore since I've been here a 
full year now.  I still don't feel like I know everything yet, though.  
There will always be more to learn.  I stepped into this job after Donna 
Hiatt had had it for 25 years, so I know I don't know as much as she did 
about it, but I'll keep learning.  Wish me luck!

Our menu for today includes:

       Turkey pot roast
       Mashed potatoes and gravy
       Broccoli and cauliflower
       Breaded okra
       Glazed baby carrots
       Pasta bar (including the pasta with pesto that we have had good 
comments on)

For our fast food we have 3 foot deli sandwich bread with a variety of 
meats, cheeses, vegetables and condiments to suit your taste.

For dessert we are having Chocolate Sheath Cake and toppings.

Come on over and try some,

Rhoda    :-)  
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