[Eoscstudents] Menu for Fri. Aug. 24

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Aug 24 09:58:55 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

I was meeting myself coming and going last night, with two meetings back 
to back.  I attended the flower meeting first to discuss a fundraiser to 
take care of the flower boxes on Main Street.  I was glad to see Neil 
Enis, from our Horticulture program there.  This should be a good 
partnership with us working together with the Main Street Program.  Then 
I went on to the Latimer County Arts Council's first meeting for this 
school year.  They're the ones who sponsor different artists, 
performers, etc. to come to the schools to expose the students to many 
various talents they might not normally get to experience.

Congratulations to our new assistant registrar, Karen Clark.  I'm glad 
they've finally drug her out of that corner she's been hiding in.  Maybe 
I'll get to see her sometimes now.  I know she will do a wonderful job 
in her new capacity.  She's a keeper.

I don't know how many of you may have noticed, but we've been trying to 
make various changes and improvements in our Cafeteria, putting together 
new menus, and changing some old ways, such as not using the bagged 
salad anymore, but cutting up the lettuce, etc. fresh ourselves.  I'd 
like to encourage you to come and try us again if you haven't eaten here 
in a while.  (If you need to stay in your office and work, we can even 
fix you a to-go box if necessary, and if you talk to me nice and I have 
time, I might even deliver it to you.)   We always have a regular food 
line, with a meat dish, various vegetables, pastas, home-made rolls, 
etc., plus a fast food each day, a fresh salad bar, and soft serve ice 
cream, and we're closer and cost less than going to town to eat, plus 
what you spend here stays here.  It's one way to show your support for 
Eastern.  It's a win/win deal.

Our menu for today includes:

            Steak fingers
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Green beans
            Corn on the cob
            Fried squash
            Pasta with tomatoes
            Hot rolls

Our fast food today is PIZZA!

And for dessert have a delicious helping of Strawberry Shortcake.  

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)

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