[Eoscstudents] Healthy Relationships

Levenia Carey lcarey at eosc.edu
Fri Feb 9 13:52:47 CST 2007

Good Afternoon:

Today I want to compare healthy versus addictive love.

Healthy Love Versus Addictive Love
  From Jed Diamond, "Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places"

All of us have a healthy impulse to find love, but addictions take us 
away from genuine love.  A summary of some of the differences between 
healthy love and addictive love can help us find the genuine love we all 
seek and desire.

Healthy love develops after we feel secure.
Addictive love tries to create love even though we feel frightened and 
Healthy love is part of the human fabric.  They cannot be separated.
Addictive love is highly distilled.  We think we can separate "it" from 
people whether "it" is sex or romantic intrigue.
Healthy love is unique.  There is no "ideal lover."
Addictive love is stereotyped. There is always a certain type we are 
attracted to.
Healthy love is gentle and comfortable.
Addictive love is tense and combative.
Healthy love encourages us to be ourselves, to be honest from the 
beginning with who we are, including our faults.
Addictive love encourages secrets.  We want to look good and put on an 
attractive mask.
Healthy love is satisfied with the partner we have.
Addictive love is always looking for more or better.
Healthy love is based on the belief that we want to be together.
Addictive love is based on the belief that we HAVE to be together.
Healthy love teaches that only we can make ourselves happy.
Addictive love expects that other person to make us happy and demands 
that we try to make them happy.
Healthy love  creates life.
Addictive love creates melodrama.

Which type of love do you want?  Which type do you currently have or 
strive to have?  Something to think about over the weekend.  Have a safe 

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