[Eoscstudents] Science class - general entomology - to be offered this fall

pratliff at eosc.edu pratliff at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 7 16:20:22 CDT 2008

Dear Students,

Looking for another science class this fall?  Did you know that 
INSECTS and their kin make up 75% of all the animals on the planet? Or 
that pound for pound, insects have more protein than beef?  Even if 
you’re not the type to turn over rocks to see what WORMs out or to be 
a contestant on Fear Factor, consider taking General Entomology!  
Insects are everywhere we look; they’re infesting your apartment, 
they’re helping themselves to your blood, they’re FLYing around your 
face and your food, and they’re HOPPERing all over your (or your 
family’s) fields and livestock, even TERMITEing your house!  They are 
also an unseen (though often heard!) but significant ecological force 
in the surrounding forestWEBWORMs, prairies, and waterways.  Besides 
satisfying your curiosity about “what is that BUG?”, you cannot 
effectively control those that are pests without understanding how 
they TICK, and from a real entomologist to boot.  Don’t LOUSE things 
up—be sure to WALKINGSTICK on over to you
r advisor and sign up for Biol 2224 today!  This is a great addition 
to your education in agronomy, horticulture, animal sciences, 
environmental science, natural resources, range management, forestry, 
pre-veterinarian, and other majors.  The class meets MTTh 10:10am-
11:00am, with the laboratory on T 11:10a-1:00pm.  There are no 
prerequisites other than a curiosity about our invertebrate friends 
and foes.  

See you this fall,
--Dr. Pat Bolin Ratliff--

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