[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Mon. April 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 28 09:58:42 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I hope you had a fabulous weekend, and are ready for a wonderful work 
week!  Dig out those grass skirts and Hawaiian flowered shirts and get 
ready for the big luau tomorrow evening!  Sally and her gang have lots 
of fun planned for everyone so be sure and plan on being there.  The 
Cafeteria will not be serving an evening meal tomorrow, so that everyone 
can go and eat at the luau.  There will be all kinds of wonderful luau 
type food so come ready to party Hawaiian style!

I got to attend the musical "Guys and Dolls" Saturday night with my 
daughter and her boyfriend and we really enjoyed it.  Everyone did a 
great job!  As Mary Ford said, it's a shame it has to be over so soon.  
So much time and preparation put into something and it's over so 
quickly, but the wonderful memories will last forever.  And the 
incriminating photographs! 

Congratulations go out to Neil Enis and family, including grandma Linda, 
on the birth of new twin girls Sierra Jordan and Sonora Jasmine.  I know 
these two little girls will fill all their lives with joy and 
happiness.  What a double blessing!  I just hope they remember that at 2 
o'clock feeding time!

Happy Birthday wishes go out to Lacey Conaway, Nursing Instructor.  And 
wishes for many more!

Our menu for today includes:

          Dorito bake
          Nacho chips and cheese
          Refried beans
          Mashed potato casserole
          Broccoli and rice casserole
          Chicken sandwich
          French fries

And for dessert, have some delicious Ice Cream with your choice of Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)

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