[Eoscstudents] Menu for Valentine's Day Thurs. Feb. 14

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 14 09:52:37 CST 2008

Happy Valentine's Day folks,

Well, today's the day to let your sweetheart, spouse or significant 
other know how much you love them.  This is very often expressed through 
a romantic card, a box of chocolates, or beautiful flowers.  Tonight 
though, you can say it with steak.  The Cafeteria will be having 
Sweetheart Steak Night at dinner this evening from 4:30 to 6:15.  Bring 
your sweetheart in for a great dinner of steak, baked potato, green 
salad, and rolls, and follow it up afterward with a yummy banana 
split.    You can use your meal card, punch card or for the general 
public the price will be $5.00 each.  You can't beat that deal. 

After you come here for an excellent meal, you can head on over to the 
auditorium at 7:30 for the first evening performance of The Glass 
Menagerie and For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls.  There's your whole 
Valentine's evening planned out for you, no problem.

It's supposed to be a fairly nice day weather-wise today, but sometime 
late tonight or early in the morning, the bottom is supposed to drop out 
of the thermometer, and plunge us down into the 30's for tomorrow.  
Don't give up hope of spring through.  Believe it or not,  I saw 
daffodils blooming earlier this week.  It won't be long now, in spite of 
the groundhog, prairie dog or armadillo, whichever we use in this part 
of the country.

Our lunch menu for Valentine's Day is:

             Pork chops
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Pinto beans
             Corn bread rolls
             Pasta bar
             Indian tacos

And for dessert have a yummy Cookie.

Have a great Valentine's Day,

Rhoda   :-)

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