[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Mon. March 24

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 24 10:05:43 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Hard to believe Spring Break is over already, isn't it?  How is it that 
the days go by so fast and the hours go by so slowly!  Okay, so students 
may not relate to this, but I'm pretty sure all the "grownups" on campus 
will know what I mean.   I was surprised to find that the public school 
kids had an extra day off today.  I guess since Good Friday fell during 
their Spring Break, they got an extra day off today.  I was trying to 
make my daughter get up and go to school and she kept insisting there 
wasn't any.  I guess she knew what she was talking about.

I hope the Easter Bunny came to see all of you.  I was still finding 
eggs hidden in my car this morning, courtesy of my sneaky daughter, who 
went out last night and hid about 3 in it.  I still haven't found that 
third one yet.  I hope I find it before the smell gives it away.  Or if 
I don't, I hope at least that it's one of the ones she cooked, not one 
of the raw ones she colored and hid, too.   Ugh!  I don't even want to 
think about finding that hidden in my car in a few weeks.  That would 
possibly be worse than the bottle of chocolate milk she left in there 
last year and I didn't notice it til the lid blew off and the smell took 
over!  Whew!

I've been meaning to try and remember to get the word out to our female 
students (I hope) that there have been a couple of earrings found in the 
Cafeteria lately, so if you're missing one of yours, you might check 
with Irene, our cashier at lunch, and see if we have your lost bling.  
It wouldn't hurt to bring the other one for identification purposes, either.

Our menu for today includes:

             Hamburger steak with mushrooms and brown gravy
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Steamed cabbage
             Black eyed peas
             Baked potato bar
             Hot rolls
             Corn dogs
             French fries

And for dessert have some yummy Ice Cream with a variety of Toppings.

Have a great Monday,

Rhoda   :-)



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