[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 13

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue May 13 09:49:20 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I went down to the Buffalo Valley/Yanush area again yesterday evening 
and clean-up is proceeding quite well in most of the inhabited areas.  
It  is very disheartening to think that all those trees that took 
decades, even centuries to grow were wiped out in a half hour span, and 
there won't be anything to compare to them there for several more 
decades.  So much for sitting under a nice shade tree down there this 

Be sure and come by the Thank You Reception in the East Cafeteria for 
Ali Martinez today from 11:00 to 1:00.  She has been serving as Staff 
Council President and due to the outsourcing of the Bookstore, of which 
she is the manager, she is not officially considered an Eastern employee 
any longer, though I'm sure all us Eastern employees still consider her 
one of us.  This circumstance is forcing her to step down as Staff 
Council President, but I'm sure she will still be available and willing 
to help with any worthwhile causes that may arise that Eastern could use 
her help on as her schedule permits.  The reception today is to thank 
her for years of dedicated service to Eastern and Eastern's Staff 
Council.  After you eat lunch, come by the East Cafeteria for cake and 
punch and a visit with Ali.

Our menu today includes:

             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Zucchini and tomatoes
             Green beans
             Chili dogs
             French fries
And for dessert have some  good for you Blueberry Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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