[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wet Wed. Sept. 3

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Sep 3 09:52:39 CDT 2008

Hi all,

We may not get hurricanes up this far, but we are definitely feeling the 
aftereffects of Gustav, with all this rain coming down.   My poor 
chickens have just been standing around in it.  They've been afraid to 
roost in their henhouse lately because of raccoons.  The raccoons 
figured out that they could get in there and chow down on eggs.  That 
wasn't so bad, but when there were no more eggs, they decided a nice 
chicken dinner would be just as good.  I've been up chasing raccoons 
away, (not always successfully), for several nights now, (they're too 
cute to shoot), and the chickens I've got left are either going way out 
to roost, or getting as close to the front door of our house as they can 
in the hopes that someone will hear them squawk if a raccoon comes and 
run out to save them.  My daughter heard a commotion outside night 
before last, (a raccoon after one of our hens),  and jumped up and ran 
out yelling her head off.  Her dad had been asleep and had no idea what 
was going on.  He woke up panicked and then mad over her yelling like a 
crazy person in the middle of the night like that.  (I think she took 
several years off his life span, and probably gave him a few more gray 
hairs.)   Fortunately for him, he doesn't know half the crises he sleeps 
through with our critters. 

Evidently we had a home baseball game get rained out today, (imagine 
that, I thought guys liked to play in the mud!), so we're having to 
fling together some sandwich stuff for the team to take to a drier place 
to play their game.   Good luck, guys!

Be sure and welcome our visitors to the Counselor's Fair on campus 
today.  Maybe the rain won't dampen their enthusiasm.  (And the trays of 
delicious goodies we prepared for them can't hurt either!)

Our menu for today includes:
                Baked chicken
                    (followed up by fried chicken)
                      (No, not my chickens!)
                Pasta bar
                Ham and cheese wraps
                Garlic bread
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Broccoli and rice casserole
                Green beans

And for dessert, have some delicious Ice Cream and Toppings.

Keep dry,

Rhoda    :-)  
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